Today we lost our baby girl...we miss you sugar! Below is an email that I sent to family and friends explaining what happened...
Hello family and friends, I was going to try to make phone calls to some of you, and I apologize for sending a mass email about this. I just do not know how many more times I can handle telling this...so please forgive me. Today has been a really rough day here. Deeva was scheduled to have her teeth cleaned at 8:30, and she also was needing to have some teeth pulled. Jamie and I were aware that she had an infection in her teeth, as she was seen by a vet in Germany 10 days prior to flying home. As soon as Jamie and Deeva were home, I called our vet, Dr. Ebry, to schedule her appointment. This was back in March. They could not get her in until today. First thing this morning, I took Deeva to Dr. Ebry's office and left her. I was told to pick her up around 3, no later than 4:30. At around 2:00, Dr. Ebry called me to tell me that Deeva was not doing well and to come in as soon as I could. Angie came to watch Rowan for me; I was pretty much a wreck at this point...poor Rowan had no idea what was going on!!! When I got there, she was lying on a table, and Dr. Ebry was manually pumping air into her lungs. They are not sure what happened; in fact, he said that in 36 years, this has never happened before. He was visibly upset and shaken as well, and he told me that he had even been praying over her. Her heart was still beating, so I wouldn't let them give up on her...Dr. Ebry was very patient and sat there with me. He had to revive her once, and they gave her two shots to keep her breathing. He said he couldn't give her any more shots (I can't remember what it was called, sorry). For a few minutes, Deeva started to come out of it, and she was breathing on her own. She opened her little eyes and looked at me, and I was talking to her and rubbing her belly. I thought, for that slight moment, that she was going to be okay. I must have been there for somewhere around an hour. Dr. Ebry said she had been in and out all morning; when they gave her the anesthesia, they were helping her breathe then. When she woke up, he said she was rolling her tongue around, responding when they pinched her paws, etc., and then shortly after she was down again. I certainly did not expect this to happen when I took her in for a routine teeth cleaning!!! I am shocked and so upset. I miss her terribly, and coming home without my baby girl is devastating. At this point, I am not sure what happened. I feel terrible! They asked me if I wanted to do a blood test to test her liver, lung and heart function before they gave her the anesthesia, and I declined it. Now I am wishing I had done it!!! It could have been something different, like an allergy to the anesthesia, I don't know... They said that it could have also been an infection that had spread, and we just were not aware of it. Deeva has been in heat, and she has been acting a little sluggish lately, but I contributed that to her being in heat...she always acted funny when she was in heat! They said they could do an autopsy, but I also declined that. I just don't want to know if it was something that I could have prevented; I would never let myself live it down!!! Please say a little prayer for our beloved little baby girl, Deeva. She is very missed already!!!! As for Rowan, he doesn't seem to notice that things are different, other than the fact that Di and I are crying our eyes out. I know, "she is a pet", but she is also a part of our family...not "just a dog" to us!!! She was with me the first time Jamie was in Iraq, and it is going to be funny without her this time around. It is going to take some getting used to, and I don't think I will ever be a dog owner again! First my Gucci, now Deeva...I just don't think I can do it again!!!!!!!!! Sorry for the long email... XOXOXOX,Ashley