I have long been an advocate of diversity, and anyone who knows me knows my personal beliefs on such issues. Recently, I have seen a back-slide in political diversity, however. I have also questioned, during my own education, the lack of Conservative views on campus. Even in public primary schools, and I attended a more rural school, I felt that liberalism was emphasised much more so than conservatism. Now, I do not disagree with teaching BOTH, but I did have a problem with it being so one-sided, particularly in history classes.
As I went into my higher education, I found it only got worse. During many writing classes, we were given the freedom of choosing our own topics. In many cases, my conservative views were shunned. I was, and still am, a lover of writing, and I certainly enjoyed expressing myself in creative writing classes. However, with my views and personal beliefs differing so much from my professors, I often got marked down based on my "narrow thinking" and "topic choice"; I found this appalling.
In one class that I took, African American literature, we were blatantly told by our African American teacher to expect reverse racism in his class, as a lesson to all of the "Caucasian" students. At the end of the semester, I received a B+ in his class...as, "only persons of diversity received anything higher". Needless to say, we fought and won that battle! I, an English major, clearly did "better" per say than those who were not, and I knew that only from speaking to them and experiencing first hand their work.
So, I found this article of particular interest, and hope you do too. I by no means want to turn my blog into a political debate, so please read it at surface level only. Thank you!