Tuesday, July 22, 2008

coming along?

So, pictures do not do justice, and certainly do not validate my hard work! LOL Nevertheless, there they are. List of things accomplished:

new front and back doors are put in

new stuff around the windows and top of the house (whatever it is called???)

had the carpets cleaned

got a good start on the bathroom/painting is done

new bed for Kyle's room!!! YAYAYAY

new and WORKING smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors

hallway is painted and finished

Kyle's room is painted and finished

LR is painted (need to remove the tape still)

laundry room is painted and finished

washer and dryer are in and hooked up! WOOT!!!

new chair railing is primed and painted (ready to put up)

sidewalks are finished

I can't remember what all else...but for those of you who have been leaving me messages, and I have not called back...I hope the running list above is proof that I have been busting my ass and super busy! LOL

Hi Loyal readers, AKA JAMIE K! LOL

Sorry that I have not posted lately. I am working SUPER hard on getting our house done and ready to move into!!! The painting is DONE (at least for now), thanks to my little sister, Mel, for her help!!! Thanks to everyone else who has been over to help as well!!! :-) I appreciate all that everyone has done for me and my family; we are very grateful to you!!!

I will be posting new pics soon...when I remember my darn camera! It's getting there though, and that's the important part. I'M READY TO MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! House, here we come!

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