Wednesday, July 9, 2008


I am discovering that it is really difficult to get things accomplished these days! Today during Ro's nap, my aunt watched him while I went to the house to paint. I finally managed to get one whole room DONE! WOOHOO!!! The color in the MBR turned out wonderful, and I absolutely love it!
Tonight, Autumn came over to help me get the stripes on Ro's room. We first took all the tape off in the MBR, and I was pleasantly surprised! We did really well at not getting paint anywhere! YAY! Since I am only doing stripes on one wall in Ro's room, we first started with removing all of the other tape in there...well, not so easy! When we pulled the tape off, the paint started to come off the walls again. I was pretty much past the point of aggravated. Basically, I have some bare spots on the walls, and I am terrified to put the tape over the paint to do the stripes, for fear of removing MORE paint! Sooo...looks like we will not have stripes. I am still deciding what to do. I already have the gorgeous blue paint!!! ARGH! Melissa came over for a bit, but couldn't stay long, as her daughter is sick...poor Kayli! I am at a standstill with the rest of the rooms until I can get a ladder tall enough to tape off the ceilings...I have really high ceilings in all the other rooms. I am so anxious to get it all finished, especially the dang kitchen! Hopefully we will get it done by the beginning of next week...BIG GOAL!

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