Sunday, June 22, 2008
Late night???
AND ROWAN IS AWAKE!!! It is 9:00, little off schedule? Yes indeed! It's past his bed time, and IS my bed time...
UHOH.....I'm searching for deals!
Okay, so, with all of the expenses and basic living needs increasing, I have been trying extra hard to find ways to cut back on spending. My sister, Jamie, has a lot of tips for me (THANKS JAMIE!!!). Jamie got into coupon and bargain shopping this year, and I have been trying to learn from her. However, being in Jville is much different that being in Spfld! We don't have so much to choose from, and I certainly would be silly to drive to Spfld to get some good deals! LOL
With Rowan going to bed SO early tonight, I have had some time to look for some good deals this week. I have yet to find any for diapers, so if anyone out there knows of any sales, deals, coupons, please pass them my way!!! I did find a couple of things, so here they are:
CLICK HERE for a coupon for a FREE Thomas Train toy *up to $12.99 value* at Toys R Us.
Scroll down the page for the coupon!!!
Rowan is not into Thomas the Train, but my nephew is!!!
Old Navy has flip flops for only ONE DOLLAR on June 28th ONLY!!!
I love flip flops, and usually wait until the end of the season to buy mine. For only $1, if I am in Spfld that day, I will stock up for next year!!! :-)
Those are the only ones I have come across that I may use. I try to be good about what coupons I print out. If I don't need it, even if it IS free or at minimal cost, I don't get it...Even if it is one cent, if I don't need it, that is a penny spent instead of a penny saved!
Hope some of you can use these!
With Rowan going to bed SO early tonight, I have had some time to look for some good deals this week. I have yet to find any for diapers, so if anyone out there knows of any sales, deals, coupons, please pass them my way!!! I did find a couple of things, so here they are:
CLICK HERE for a coupon for a FREE Thomas Train toy *up to $12.99 value* at Toys R Us.
Scroll down the page for the coupon!!!
Rowan is not into Thomas the Train, but my nephew is!!!
Old Navy has flip flops for only ONE DOLLAR on June 28th ONLY!!!
I love flip flops, and usually wait until the end of the season to buy mine. For only $1, if I am in Spfld that day, I will stock up for next year!!! :-)
Those are the only ones I have come across that I may use. I try to be good about what coupons I print out. If I don't need it, even if it IS free or at minimal cost, I don't get it...Even if it is one cent, if I don't need it, that is a penny spent instead of a penny saved!
Hope some of you can use these!
Slow Sunday
Today we didn't do much. We have a lot going on this coming week, so we hung low. We went to Walmart to get a few things for dinner, and I made some dinner when we got home...I let Rowan dig into some corn on the cob, so I had to get some pics! This was his first attempt, and he did fairly well with it!
Rowan had a short nap today, and unknowingly, I put him to bed WAY EARLY!!! I thought it was 8:00, but apparently the clock was wrong! He went right to sleep for me, let's just hope he doesn't wake up in an hour...fingers crossed!
I haven't talked to my hubby in forever, and I miss him SO MUCH!!! I cannot WAIT to see him in August...come home soon babe!
The Lipscomb family reunion was today in WV, and I am a bit bummed that we didn't get to go. With gas prices as high as they are, we won't be doing any traveling this summer. Who can afford it? Going to Chillicothe yesterday cost me nearly $80 in gas, and I just can't do it! Those of you on a limited income, single income, please give me tips! I just do not see how anyone can afford to do anything, and it is really too bad. I haven't even seen Kyle since March; it's a 3 hour drive one way. Jamie and I hope to trade in my Jeep within the next 18 months. Hopefully we will be able to do so; trade in value on SUV's are not good...not at all! With one income, and that income being MILITARY, we will probably keep the Jeep until it literally falls apart on us! You know what though, others have it a lot worse...and I wouldn't even THINK of trading except that I only get 16 MPG with the Jeep, otherwise it has been good to us!
That's it folks, nighty night!
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