Saturday, July 12, 2008


I feel like I am slowly making some accomplishments in the house. Tonight, Autumn helped me put the second coat of gold and third coat of red in the kitchen...hopefully we are DONE with the walls!!! I still need to paint the trim and cabinets white, but this project may be put on hold for the time being! I would LOVE to get the trim in Ro's room and the kitchen done before we officially move in, but we'll see. The next room will be the living room, and I am anxious to get in there and get it done!!!
It is taking longer than I had hoped, but I am working around bed time and nap schedule here...Rowan is cutting teeth, so throw that in the mix too! Today, I actually took an hour and got a little nap in! This doesn't happen often, and it was SURE nice!!!

On another note, I have some really exciting news! I called to talk to my step-son the other night, and Angie and I discussed Kyle coming to live with us for the school year!!!! This is something I have prayed for for five years now, and I am totally excited! Jamie and Angie have been discussing the legal issues with all of it, and we will go from there. I will post more about it once it is finalized, as I don't want to jinx us! LOL I am trying not to get my hopes up until it is set in stone. Kyle is really excited, and it is a choice that HE made. I know that it will be a big adjustment for him, and I will need to be very understanding and patient with him. We bought a house in a VERY good school district, and we are only a block from the school. I hope he does well, makes lots of good friends, and gets involved at school. I am going to check into the YMCA sports programs too!!! Please pray for all of us. I guess, for me, the most important issue with this change, is that Rowan and Kyle will finally get the time to enjoy being brothers. How exciting for them, and I love to watch the interaction between them...though, I am SURE there will be times when Rowan is the pesky little brother...and Kyle may teach Rowan some "big boy" stuff! LOL

So, that's it for now. I am going to hit the sheets and pray for some restful sleep tonight.

Hugs and loves!

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