Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sunday, April 27th

Today was all about relaxing and spending time at home with Rowan. The weather was gloomy, rainy and overall dismall today, so it really just put me in the mood to kick up my heels and relax, never an easy task around Rowan was super good today, and we didn't have any major meltdowns over not being able to play outside, which is a major plus!!!

He took one good nap this afternoon, and I thought to myself...hey, why not...I joined him for a nice, long, relaxing nap! Very refreshing, I must say! :-) Those of you who know me well, know that a nap is never included in my day! Even with the nap, I managed to be somewhat productive, did some laundry, and had lots of play time with Rowan!

For some reason, my left ankle started hurting pretty badly this morning. In HS, I was on the dance team and had some problems with tendonitis; I have come to the conclusion that all the running in flipflops yesterday probably made the tendonitis flare up. I have no anti-inflamatories in the house at the moment, so no meds to help with really is sore! For this reason, I tried my best to keep Rowan contained on ONE level of the house for most of the day. All the walking up and down the stairs really started to make it worse...he did very well, and I am quite proud of my little monkey!

Because he was not so active today, I decided that for his bath, I would let him get in the big tub and play around for an hour or so. HE LOVED IT!!! What kid doesn't, right? He is getting a little too brave for my liking; he is wanting to stand up and fall down in the tub, and this frightens me...I KNOW, I KNOW>..,....I can hear my husband already, "he's a boy, let him be a boy! Don't baby him!"...ohhhh, I try, but this is something that could potentially cause major accidents, and I have to draw the line there! It's my BABY we are talking about here!

Anyway, he smells so nummy! I love the bedtime lotion from Johnson's and Johnson's!!! MMM, MMM, GOOD! He is in bed, but not sure if he will go to sleep or not. We shall see!


I didn't get a chance to post yesterday, as we were not home until late. I started the day way too early, at 6:00 AM. I first went to tan, 1/2 price in the mornings! WOOT! Then I met with Julia at the gym, where she kicked my butt once again...though I much enjoy it afterwards! LOL I rushed home, got in the shower, and managed to "get ready" in a matter of merely 30 minutes! Rowan was just waking up, and I had already prepared us for the day the night before; I put our clothes out, packed his diaper bag, and had everything ready to load in the car. Sooo, I gave Rowan a quick breakfast, got him dressed, loaded the car, and off we headed to Virginia.
I was the first one to arrive on the scene...a real feat considering I am the one with a child! LOL Anyway, so we started preparing for the shower, moving tables, setting out the champagne and cocktail glasses, napkins, silverware, etc. Autumn and the girls got there shortly after us, so we started in on the food and signs. Hailey, Roxanne's daughter, is 15 months old, so she and Rowan were playing and having fun while we mommies got ready for the big party!!!
The shower was absolutely PERFECT!!! It went off without a hitch, everyone really enjoyed the "different atmosphere". We didn't want to do a traditional "bridal shower", so instead, we had a cocktail party!!! Everyone wore dresses, and we sipped (s0me guzzled) daiquiris! MMM We had fruit with a chocolate fountain and other fruit dip, creme horns veggies and dip. Because it was a cocktail theme, all the guests brought a cocktail recipe with one coordinating cocktail ingredient in addition to their bridal gift! Autumn can have quite the successful little party at her house now!!! :-) It was really a lot of fun, and most importantly, I know Autumn had a blast and enjoyed getting to see everyone. I believe we had around 25 people show up, which is a record to my knowledge! LOL
So, that was our Saturday. We got home after dark, and I was SO tired!!! Rowan had only a short nap, after a long it was to bed fairly early for us last night.
I will report on tonight in a while, for now I am going to sign off!

Rowan talking to Daddy/ 04-27-08

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