I am stressed. I am having "one of those days" today. I woke up, and first thing someone said to me, I was pissed...I knew it would be a bad day. Why is it that someone else's mood can dictate how I will feel for the rest of MY day? Why do I allow people to have that kind of power over my life? This is really something I need to work on.
Rowan has been super good today, though he hasn't really eaten much. We had a busy and productive day, and I am getting an idea of what "errands" are like with a toddler in tow. I had to run to the grocery store, which ended up taking me about 45 minutes (normally a task completed in 15-20, b/c of my LISTS!). I also needed to return those movies that were two days late, get gas, and go to the store to look for shoes and some other items. Well, it all went pretty well, except for Rowan's little tantrums over my keys and rice...he wanted to play with the box of rice in the check-out line...that could have been a bad situation!
We got home and AI was on, so I flipped it to FOX and hit record, knowing that I would NEVER be able to sit down while Rowan was still awake. I headed upstairs with all the groceries, put Rowan on the deck with the baby gate up, put the groceries away, put some nuggets and tator tots in the the oven and headed outside to play with Rowan. I then had a MARVELOUS idea...I brought the booster seat downstairs to feed Ro his dinner, and I got a minute to sit down and watch AI! BRILLIANT, I know...you all should try this!
The dogs are crazy today and haven't stopped barking long enough to let my ears have a rest, and Rowan has been a crap apple all evening! He fell over and busted his lip...poor baby, that is never fun. I also had to switch the laundry to the dryer and get Rowan's bed made for tonight, all the while Rowan is running around. It has been a LONG, EXHAUSTING day, and I am wondering how I will make it another fifteen months as a single parent...
I am hoping that Rowan will go to bed soon, as it is nearly 9PM and I have yet to get a single meal eaten today...I'm hungry, I am tired...is the day over yet???