Monday, May 19, 2008

Manic Monday

I am really just too lazy to write much tonight, sorry! It may actually be a good thing though! HEHE The day started at 2:30 AM, when Rowan woke up screaming at the top of his lungs. I immediately thought something terrible had happened, and ran to his room...only to start cracking up!!! My 13 month old was trapped...his little weeny was poking through the bars of his crib; apparently he is at the "taking off his diaper" stage, and he decided lastnight was a great time to start!!! Also, he had taken his shirt over his head, but couldn't get it any further. He was faceless, and his arm was stuck over his head! LOL I had to laugh, then I went to his aid! LOL
A fresh diaper, a hug from Mama, and a bottle later, he was fast asleep until 6:30. I had to get to the bank first thing, and was actually there before they even 45 minutes! DANGIT; I could have slept later! Then I ran a fe errands for my aunt, and hit Home Depot for some inspiration; I picked out all the paint colors for our new house. I'll get pictures later, but it will be CUTE!!!
I headed home for lunch with munchkin, put him down for his nap, and decided I needed a snooze too. Didn't last I also went to get my brakes fixed today, and met with my realtor for some paper signing. Also had a baseball game to go to, and finally got home around 7:30 or so. Rowan was in bed by 8, Jamie called, and now I am ready for bed too!!!
That's my day!!!

Loves and Smiles! :-)

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