Saturday, April 12, 2008


We had an early dinner, late lunch again today, and Rowan was not too interested in eating...blame the cold or teething, take your pick!
On a day like today, rainy and icky, a good cure...homemade potato soup!!! YIPPEE!!! Sounded like a good plan, so I peeled some potatoes and got it started while Rowan was taking his long nap. I realized, once I got it started, that I was out of skim milk and butter!!! So, I did the next best thing and used Rowan's whole milk and my non-butter, good-for-your-heart "butter"...which didn't really work. The oils from it just sat on top, and then of course I felt guilty for using whole milk instead of skim and didn't really want to eat it.
Being as Rowan is at his independent, I can feed myself stage, soup really isn't a good option. Sooo, Rowan ended up eating potatoes out of the soup, peas and carrots, and some cheese...I really need to do some better planning. Notice: no meat was consumed for this meal far, my mission is failing!

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