Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Is it bed time???

My son, who goes to bed at 8:00 on the dot every night, is wide awake at 9:15 PM...I am so tired, and I want to sleep!!! I put Rowan to bed, but got him back up after 35 minutes of crying and screaming...not sure what the deal is with this; maybe too much nap today???

Well, I have had a totally unproductive day, which is really nice! :-) Sometimes it is nice to just stay home; I will tell you a secret...I haven't even had a shower yet!!!!!!! Totally not my norm, but oh well, I don't even care! I used body splash, don't worry! lol

I got to talk to Jamie for a minute today; he called to tell me happy anniversary; between you and I, I think he forgot!!! I emailed him first thing today...I think this clued him in! LOL But yeah, pretty sure he forgot; since he is in Iraq, I may forgive him! :-)

Tonight I have been looking online for some house stuff. I have an empty house when we move in! All of our furniture is being held hostage in Germany by the damned Army, so I HAVE NOTHING!!! When I say nothing, I mean I will be moving in with our clothes...and that is IT! I have a crib for Rowan here at my aunt's house, but am hoping to be able to leave it here for when he sleeps over; I know he will! :-) I may end up taking it though. Some family has offered a few things, so here is what I may have:

crib and mattress for Rowan
king size mattress and box springs for our room
some pots and pans
washer and dryer

here is what I still need:
a mattress and box springs for Kyle's room (I have his headboard here still)
white dresser for Ro's room
wood dresser for Kyle's room
headboard/foot board for our room
dresser for our room
kitchen table and chairs
book shelf for Rowan
coffee pot
kitchen towels and rags
bath towels and wash cloths
sofa/chair/love seat
end tables and coffee table
computer table/desk and chair

I am sure I am forgetting a bunch of stuff. I hate this; we have beautiful, brand new stuff in Germany, and I WANT IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate that the Army is being so ridiculous about this! We are here, and our belongings should be here too. I am going to just get odds and ends for now, b/c once we get our stuff back, I will be giving all of this stuff away, back to the owners or selling it...we'll see. Any ideas? I checked Ebay and Craig's list, all of it is either ugly or too much money for what they are selling! HELP PLEASE, I don't want an empty house in August!!!

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