Sunday, May 18, 2008

it's SUNDAY~

Today has been a great day. I went back to see our house again, and took pictures so that Jamie could get a peek at what WE bought! LOL I went to the grocery store to get a couple items we needed, like milk, juice, and of course pickles! I was upset when I got home b/c I accidently got sweet pickles! YUCK!!!
Well, it was just too beautiful to be stuck inside today, so while Rowan was napping I went out to wash my Jeep and clean it out! It is SPARKLIN'! I also mowed the yard; I hate that! So, days like today make me realize that I really do miss my hubby. LOL I hate man jobs! Jamie and I have it so perfect; he mows, does the trash, takes care of the cars, etc., and I do the inside things: clean, laundry, cooking, etc. It works for us, and I wish he was here!!!
Tomorrow I am getting my brakes fixed and going to the bank to get the stuff done for the house! YIPPEE PRAYERS PLEASE!!! We already have the approval and whatnot, I just have to show it to the selling realtor. So yeah, that's about it! Oh, and I killed a baby bird today. Oh, and I have a bunch of other little things to do tomorrow...let's hope it is just as beautiful tomorrow as it was today!

Loves and smiles!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey ash, do you think i really know how to do a blog slideshow? HA! i'm full of great ideas....most of which i don't know how to implement. sorry i can't be of more help. how did house stuff go today?

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