Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Today was wonderful!!! The weather was beautiful, and I couldn't resist...I had to get out Rowan's new pool!!! I knew he would LOVE it, as he is a total water baby! And...indeed, getting him out of the pool was not as easy as getting him in it! He got to wear his cute little Speedo,

and I took a risk and let him go w/o a diaper! NO MESSES! He did great, better than I thought!

For dinner, I thought I would make something new, so we had some shells and veggies casserole. Rowan ate it up!!! He loved it. Then we had to have a bath to get all the sunblock off, yep...I AM THAT MOM! Rowan is now in bed, and I am attempting to watch American Idol, but am fed up with all the crap on here! That's about it...

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