Monday, July 7, 2008

Wowza paint!!!

Today Autumn had the day off, so she volunteered to help me ALL DAY! Also, Melissa came over to help when she got off work. Do I have the best friends or what!!!??? We started around 9:30 this morning, and stopped around 7:00 tonight...long, tough day! I am so tired, I think I very well may go to bed with paint all over me! We got the second coat on Ro's room, tell me what you think of the color. We still need to paint the trim white, paint the blue stripes on the wall, paint the door, closet and area between the two bedrooms...however, we ran out of the paint!!!

We started on the kitchen so that we can get the appliances in. I loved the bottom, the red color (chianti to be exact), but I did not like the Thistle green above it (see picture behind stove). I love the color, but together it looked like Christmas! YIKES! So, I decided to go with the gold color instead (my first instinct), and I will use the two shades of green in Kyle's bedroom. Be honest, tell me what you think!!! I am going for the Tuscany look, think grapes and wine. I think it will look sharp when it is finished!!!

The last picture of the kitchen shows the bottom finished, but the top still needs a second coat. We were exhausted and needed to STOP! We need to paint around the cabinets also.
My goal: finish the kitchen upper coat, put second coat on sam

e, and get second coat on the master bedroom. I also need to do all that I listed above, to Ro's room. THEN, I will tackle all the other rooms! AHHH, I need a nap just thinking about it!


Unknown said...

i vote no stripes...only to save yourself some work. :)

C. Walden said...

I love the colors!

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