Sunday, August 17, 2008


Today I took Kyle to Springfield to catch a ride back to his mom's house. It's sad, and I always hate to see him go. He is so much fun to have around!!!
Tomorrow the WV fam will be arriving for Jen and Lee's Saturday wedding, so I will keep busy and keep my mind off of missing Kyle...maybe? Okay, probably not! My nephew Tyas will also be staying with me, and I am super excited to get to spend some QT with him!!! :-)
I am working on getting their wedding programs finished, so hopefully I will have the printed, finished product IN MY HANDS by Tuesday.
I still don't have my home ready for company! I didn't expect to stress over this the way that I have been, but....well, I am! I STILL have not got my doors all painted...I need to put the second coat on the back sides of the doors, and I need to paint three sides around the doors. UGH! Oh, and let's not MENTION that I don't have a clue how I will get them up! Yeah, so six people staying at my home, and not a SINGLE door hanging up! That's right, not EVEN the bathroom! Oh boy...................

So, I cleaned! But, I have two guess what, my house is a MESS AGAIN! It is really driving me nuts.

On a good note, I got my hair cut, and I am loving it! Yep!!! Super cute and sheek! Alright, gotta run! Toodles!

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