Saturday, November 29, 2008


This year was the first year, really, that I got out in the madness on black Friday. My inlaws have made a tradition of shopping on black Friday, something that I was never really too fond of. However, this year I was in WV (where my inlaws live), and I couldn't wait to experience it with them! I always hear the crazy stories, and was anxious to make some memories of my own. My MIL was awesome and watched Rowan so that I could do some shopping. First we hit Walmart, then Circuit City, JC Pennies, a couple stores in the mall, Toys R Us, Old Navy, I don't remember what else...We started at 4 AM. We also had lunch at Applebee's, YUM!
I would LOVE to tell you what deals I got, but then everyone would know what they are getting for Christmas! LOL So, that won't work...I will say that I got everything I set out to get and more...SUCCESS!!! Now, I can't wait to do it again next year!
Hope everyone had a wonderful and memorable Thanksgiving!!!

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In attempt to cut our spending, we have switched to generics on some common household purchases. Which of the following, if any, have you switched from name brand to generic?