Saturday, January 3, 2009

Back to the coupons!

So, now that I have all-day access to the internet again, I am hoping that my thrifty coupon shopping will pick back up. I had a nice stock of meds, diapers, and all things baby and decided I could slack off on the shopping until after Christmas. Then I had a nice trip to West Virginia for three weeks (mid Nov. to beginning of Dec.), and I did absolutely NO coupon clipping that entire time! YIKES! Since I have returned home, I have fallen into the rut of no coupons...I know, I know, what happened!
So, I need to build up my coupon folders again and get back into the savings. I am almost out of my stock of diapers and meds...and,.,,,,,gulp, I paid FULL PRICE for Ny-Quil...that was a tough one to admit!
New Year, new start. Let's get couponing!!!

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Print Smartsource coupons

In attempt to cut our spending, we have switched to generics on some common household purchases. Which of the following, if any, have you switched from name brand to generic?