Hi everyone! Been a long while, huh? Sorry! Life has been keeping me so busy lately. February has been a month of many appointments. Dentist, doctor, orthodontist, gyno, you name it! Not to mention, Rowan and I have been sick off and on, and I started a new class!
I am quite excited to tell you that I am taking the Financial Peace class at my church, and absolutely LOVE IT! The class is by Dave Ramsey, and I am learning so much. I thought I was doing all that I could to save as much money as possible; in fact, when I signed up for this class, Jamie said to me, "why are you taking a class to be a tight-wad when you already are one"? It was a relevant question!
I am learning that living on credit alone is no way to live, and Jamie and I have said a MAJOR financial goal. We hope to be completely DEBT free in 36 months. That means, no credit card debt, no school loan debt and no vehicle debt. The house will take a little longer, but we are hoping to have it paid off in FIVE YEARS, instead of the 20 we planned.
Living on a budget has proven to be a little difficult for me. I am not a big spender by any means. My weakness, as I have learned, is eating out and grabbing a snack and coffee too often. Now, we will be spending more on groceries and saving in the long run. It's a challenge, but I do treat myself to the occassional coffee every once in a while.
I will keep this blog updated with each baby step we accomplish. For those of you familiar with Dave Ramsey, I am proud to say we have baby step #1 DONE!!! Check!!!
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