Thursday, May 7, 2009

Robug update

So, I have been horrible about keeping this updated. Jamie is out on a "mission", so I figure I better get busy on this. SORRY!!!

Rowan turned two in March, and boy has he become a BIG BOY since this. He is really starting to talk now, which is very exciting! I was beginning to get really worried about his language skills, as he seemed to be a little behind others his age. All of the sudden, he is picking up words like crazy! I still don't think he is up to par with some kids his age, but he's making progress.

his words:
bobo-our dog Beau
yumyum-anything to eat
uw ew -love you
ducka ducka-bird or duck
A-EY-not sure what this is, but he uses it in reference to a few things: computer, phone, pen, paper

I can't think of more right now. He is SUPER active, and never stops for a second! He is always on the go. He really enjoy playing outside, but hates getting dirty. I think this is because of my influence, lol. He likes to play in water. I got him a water/sand table for outside, and he really enjoys that.
I am still wondering if Rowan ets motion sickness. He HATES rides, hates to be twirled, he doesn't like to be moved abruptly or picked up over my head, etc. He doesn't enjoy piggy back rides, or things of that nature, that most kids his age LOVE! He is doing better in the car now, only b/c he has a DVD player and can watch Spongebob. After about 90 minutes in the car, he is done and wants out. It seems to help him when I roll down his window a bit and let him get some fresh air.
His attitude has gotten a little out of control, and I am trying to correct this bad behavior. He stomps and hits when he is mad. He also sticks his tongue out at me when he doesn't like something I say or do.
Sometimes though, he is just the sweetest most helpful toddler in the world. What gives? He loves to help me, but only on HIS terms. He likes to help me dust and clean windows.
Rowan's new love is WATER!!! He cannot seem to get enough to drink! It's hilarious, and now he has learned how to manipulate the water and ice dispensers in the freezer door. I really have to keep an eye on this!
On the flip side, he is quite the little eater now! He loves his fruit!!! It doesn't matter what I offer him fruit wise, he will eat it all and ask for more: strawberries, kiwi, bananas, pineapple, watermelon, cantaloupe, grapes, pears, peaches, apples, you name it! He also REALLY likes corn and green beans. He loves hotdogs and balogna, cheese, all the normal kid foods. He also likes to eat fish with me!
He's becoming quite the little boy...

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