Saturday, April 19, 2008

Our wild and crazy Saturday!

Today was a wonderful day!!! Rowan and I had breakfast, and then I headed to the gym with Melissa G. I rushed home, fed my munchkin some lunch and put him down for a nap. Di watched him while I ran to Virginia with Autumn to check out the place we are having her shower at this weekend. I had a nice, quiet afternoon with the girls, then headed back to be home when Rowan woke up from his nap, which proved to be shorter than usual! We had a quick bite to eat, then headed out again. We stopped to get a couple of movies, but Juno wasn't bummer! We went to visit Autumn for a while, until Rowan got fussy and tired, then hit DQ and came home. Rowan ate his first hamburger, which he didn't care too much for, but I was good and didn't eat any DQ! Yay me!!!

Rowan and I relaxed for the evening, played hard though!!! :-) I watched the movie, Dan in Real Life, which was pretty good though predictable. I can't believe I actually got to watch it!!! Of course I had to pause it about 50 times, but for good reason, so no complaints here!!! Rowan just went to bed, and I am going to spoil myself with a hot, relaxing bubble bath and some champagne!!! YIPPEEE
Here are some pics from our evening at home together...truly, the BEST Saturday night a Mommy could ever ask for!

ON SECOND THOUGHT: I think I am just going to call it a night and forget the bath and bubbly...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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