Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Rules for 7 Things:1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.My Seven Things:

I was tagged by my sister, Jamie Kaufmann, I am not sure who to tag since I am new here and don't know anyone, but I am going to go ahead and do my seven facts anyway...then I will figure out who to tag! So here they are:

My Seven Facts:

1. I hate math, but I love numbers. I count EVERYTHING! It is an obsession that I just cannot shake. I will count the letters in a sentence, the tiles on the wall, just about anything and everything. My husband always knows when I am doing it b/c I use my fingers and tap them on him. It's annoying, and I hate it, but I can't stop!!!

2. I am an obsessive list maker. Everyday starts with a list for me. I have done this ever since I can remember. Not only do I make lists for everything, but I am rather lost without them. I have been known to make lists for my's an illness.......

3. I have a very difficult time sleeping; sleeping pills used to be my best-friend, in the pre-baby days. It takes me hours to go to sleep, and I rarely sleep for more than 2 hours in a row. I cannot recall the last time I slept a full eight hours straight; when I do, my husband and I celebrate!!! I thought this would come in handy with a newborn, but it really didn't help

4. I am a leader by nature. I get frustrated when I am in situations where I am not in charge. In retail, I was in management, in the classroom, I teach...this is just my way of doing things. I have never found myself in a situation that I didn't step up and lead. I get frustrated when someone else is leading b/c I see the ways it "could go better, be more productive" etc.
The leadership does not carry over into my personal life, however. I very much prefer for my husband to be the "head of the household". It is a nice opportunity for me to let someone else take over; I just have to have someone I trust to do things, do them the way that I would (which he does for the most part), and know that all will not fail if I am not in

I guess this is why military life works for us. When he is away, I step right up and become the head of the household, but when he returns, I happily hand over the reigns to him!!! :-)

5. I love bleach. I think this is another one to do with my OCD! I learned in my Women's Health class at UIS that bleach is the only known thing that can kill the AIDS virus, and after that, I decided if it was THAT good, it should kill everything! So, I use bleach to clean EVERYTHING!!! It gives me headaches, and has made me pass out before, but I sure do feel clean afterwards! LOL I also use a toothbrush to clean just about everything. Mopping is not done until I get on my hands and knees with a toothbrush! My kitchen and bathrooms must be clean pretty much at all times; I hate dishes to wait overnight, drives me bananas! I absolutely despise having bubbles left in the sink after the dishwater drains, so I stand there and push all the soap down the drain before I dry out the sink. I won't drink tea if it is over 24 hours old, and all beverages must be served with ice, out of CLEANED ice trays...
I am also a little obsessive about washing my hands; I once counted, and I washed my hands over fifty times in one 24 hour period. Sick, eh? I carry around hand sanitizer everywhere I go...I brush my teeth at least 4 times a day...okay, so that is my OCD...thank you very much, I do not take meds! LOL

6. I am terrified of the ocean. I have never been in the ocean, and I am sure I never choice! I do not like that I cannot see the bottom. I am a product of the JAWS generation!!!!! Anything that can eat me, I am not a fan. I am absolutely terrified of sharks, crocks, alligators, whales, etc. They are mean and viscious! NO THANK YOU!!!

7. I have not eaten red meat since I was 12. I had food poisoning one too many times, and quit eating it. It isn't that I am a tree-hugger or anything like that, I just get sick thinking about eating meat. I do eat chicken, fish and turkey, and I am trying to ease my way back into eating meat, but I truly never see myself eating a steak or a hamburger EVER again!!! YUCKY

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