Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Still not feeling well

It is past Ro's bedtime, 10:16 PM, and he is yet to fall asleep. He has gotten spoiled this last week, as in a desperate attempt at getting some sleep myself, I let him sleep in bed with me a couple hours...just about every night! NOT GOOD ON MY PART!!!
My goal for tonight was to go through Ro's baby albums. I accidentally put his pictures in backwards in his third album, and have to redo it. I also just received almost 600 pictures from my last Snapfish order, and desperately need to get them organized and ready to put IN albums...I also need to go and get the dang albums! LOL Oh well, maybe tomorrow.
For now, I am tired, and ready for bed. Rowan is just really restless, so he may end up in my bed again tonight. I know, yell at me later, okay???

loves and smiles!

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