Tuesday, June 24, 2008


So, my trip to Spfld was a success, here is what I got:


Pampers Value Box- 19.99
Pampers Value Box- 19.99
Pampers Sensitive wipes 210 count - 5.99
Pampers Sensitive wipes 210 Count - 5.99
Huggies Little Swimmers - 9.99
TOTAL retail price: 61.95
-5.00 (target coupon Pampers)
-5.00 (target coupon Pampers)
-3.00 (target coupon Pampers)
-3.00 (target coupon Pampers)
-1.50 (target coupon little swimmers Huggies)
-5.00 (target GC coupon)
-5.00 (target GC coupon)
savings: $27.50


GET YOUR COUPONS BY CLICKING HERE: Scroll down the page, to the Target deals. She has a link that takes you to the coupons page. I reccommend using this page because it is simple to follow the directions, and you can print as many as you want without wasting paper!!!

My Target let me use the two $5.00 Gift Card coupons in THIS transaction, which ended up saving me more today! I had planned on using them in two different transactions. If I had it to do over again, I would have used the two GC's in the transaction and NOT bought the little swimmers. My thought was this: I would use the second $5 GC and the $1.50 coupon on the swimmers, leaving my cost at $3.50 for 18 swim diapers... Oh well, still not too bad, and we were out of swimmers anyway...we do a lot of swimming around here!!!

The coupon for the FREE Thomas toy was not valid; they had issued a NEW one as of this morning, but my Toys R Us let me go ahead and get the free toy.

Thomas toy retail price $12.99
Coupon -12.99
I had to pay tax, which came to $1.01.

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In attempt to cut our spending, we have switched to generics on some common household purchases. Which of the following, if any, have you switched from name brand to generic?