First, thanks to you all for your concern for Rowan. Your prayers are much appreciated and must be working!!! Today we have spoken to the doctor twice. She has been wonderful and wanted to know how Rowan was doing, something most doctors wouldn't take the time to concern themselves with!!!
As of early this morning, Rowan was doing really well. He slept fairly well last night. He went to sleep around 11, and I put him in his crib. At 2 he woke up and I gave him some Pedialyte, and he woke up again at 7. I put him in bed with me, gave him a drink, and he was off to sleepy land again until 9ish. His temp was way down, and he seemed to be doing fine. By 10:30, he was ready for a nap though, which in not normal for him.
His temp came back this afternoon when he woke up, and the diarrhea also reemerged! The doc called, and I let her know what was going on. I am still NOT to give him any milk or sugar for another week, and he is to only eat small doses of toast, unsalted crackers, whole grain cereal or ice chips. He can have 2 ounces of Pedialyte per hour now as well. I am to call her back on Monday to give her an update, and if he has ANY signs of dehydration, we are to go straight to the ER. He hasn't wanted anything to drink, so I am getting ready to give him some Pedialyte via a medicine syringe thingy. He did eat a piece of toast and some crackers!
poor baby poo. i really hope he doesn't get dehydrated. what a yucky time for you both. i hate when the babies are sick! i'm glad the doc's office is being good to you. praying for you guys. keep us posted.
Hey Jam! Thanks, I hope he gets better soon as well...he was vaccinated against this darn virus, but I guess they can still get it! Now I have a sinus infection and Di has something like the flu, perhaps the same viral infection Ro has??? Lord...I am ready for us all to be better!!! Seems like everytime we go somewhere, Rowan gets just isn't worth it! Have a great time on vacation! :-)
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