Thursday, June 12, 2008


I called the doctor back this evening when Rowan's fever spiked to 103, and he was overly lethargic in my opinion. When he got up to try to walk, he would seem disoriented and fall down. Literally ONE OUNCE of Pedialyte was making him have the runs. When he would drink one ounce, he would lose about 5 ounces in his diapers.
The nurse on call was very nice and very helpful. She instructed me to not give him anything for the temperature, and to reduce fluids to one teaspoon every 15 minutes for two hours. If he continued to have diarrhea or was vomiting, I was to call her back immediately. She also gave me some warning signs for dehydration, and if any of these happened I was to take him to the ER immediately. Basically, I was looking for: no wet diapers (she told me to put a Kleenex in the front of his diaper to see if he was wetting), dry mouth, dry lips or hazy eyes. I have been keeping a CLOSE eye on him for the last few hours, and cut his liquids as I was told to do. He takes the Pedialyte great, and wants more, but I cannot give him more! This has been very difficult to do. Also, I have been monitoring his temperature, which as of 15 minutes ago has gone down to 100.4.
I have him in my bed tonight; he is sound asleep for now! I am hoping that he does well through the night, and I am really hoping for a wet diaper by the time I lie down for bed tonight. Please say a prayer for our little guy tonight!!! Also, if you are wondering about the Rota virus, please see this site:

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