Saturday, August 8, 2009

FREE sample product review: The Face Shop

During a trip to my local Walgreen's, I received a free sample of a product for The Face Shop: Serum Infused Natural Cloth Mask Sheet - Collagen Mask Sheet. The label reads:

"Super high concentrations of Collagen that is responsible for keeping the skin firm and smooth". Hey ladies, I just hit THIRTY, I am all about firming my face...and other body parts too! Sign me up!

So, this evening, I tried it out. It came in a thick pouch that was easily opened. The mask was a soft cottony sheet, soaked it liquid. I am glad I put it on over the bathroom sink, because I could see it causing quite a mess.

It felt GREAT on my face! I really liked the way the moisture felt, and it was cool to the skin. After 20 minutes, I removed the sheet, and my face felt delightfully moisturized. I really liked it!

My only complaint about the product is that it didn't last very long. Once I removed the mask, it was a matter of approximately an hour, and my skin felt the same as before.

Perhaps it would work better if I used it more often...I did some searching, and the prices on these products are relatively reasonable. Walgreens price is 2/$5.

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