Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Thank YOU Wicked Cool Deals for this tid bit of info! I didn't know about this one, but will be looking for it when I hit Walgreen's this week!

"If you are heading over to Walgreens, be on the lookout for a new Back-2-School Coupon Book with over $50 in coupon savings! This coupon booklet can most likely be found in the store by the ad circulars. All of these are manufacturer's coupons expiring 8/29/09. I do question some of these items tagged as "back to school." Smoking Cessation Gum? Dog treats? Excedrin (must be for the moms)? Too funny."

Also, worthy of mention, I found a new Walgreen's coloring book in the book section. Inside, much to my surprise, NEW WALGREEN'S COUPONS! My favorite, of course is for the $1.00 off HUGGIES coupon. Walgreen's coupons can be used multiple times, so this is a good one!

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In attempt to cut our spending, we have switched to generics on some common household purchases. Which of the following, if any, have you switched from name brand to generic?