Sunday, April 20, 2008

4-20 pictures


Unknown said...

What did I tell you? PIMP!!!!! I knew it from the moment I saw him.

Liz said...

Hey... Thanks for checking out my blog. I am somewhat of a newbie, I think I started this in January. So I'm newer than most too. This thing doesn't seem to have a great search tool but what I do is go to "view my complete profile" and if you'll notice the things that you put in as your interests or whatever are now links. I click on the words that are "link" and it brings up other blogs that have that as their interest. Other than that I try to search from the main page without being logged it. Mostly I just find cool blogs by clicking on links from other people's pages. If you go to mine, on the left hand column I have "sites I like" and I added all the links to the blogs I like. There are alot of blogs that have that so I find one I like and keep checking... It keeps me busy all day at work :) hahahaha

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