Folks, it has been a lazy day in the Lipscomb household today! We are running off zero sleep, and I must be honest...there has been no showering goin' on, little eating, and we are still in our pajamas at 3:55 PM! Lastnight was a LONG night, and I just cannot seem to get any energy up today. On top of it all, I am feeling terrible; my head feels like it quite possibly might start floating at any minute.
I did however, get to talk to Jamie today!!! :-) YAYA!!! He called this afternoon, right when Rowan went down for a nap, and then we talked on messenger for a bit. Why is it that he has the BEST timing? I was waiting all morning for my munchkin to go down for a nap, couldn't WAIT to get my head on my pillows...oh well, I got to talk to Jamie, so I won't complain too much!
So, when Rowan woke up, I was making his lunch, and noticed an odd looking bird in our backyard at the edge of the water. Our dogs were going nutty! I went out on the deck to get a closer look, and low and was a freakin' STORK! Who knew!!! I got out my camera, so I will put a picture up here in a bit. I sure hope this stork was not here to bring me any news! I sent it on it's merry little way, across the water. The neighbors have three kids, what's one more? I sure do not need any news like that right now!!! Bye-bye little storky friend, come see me in a year or two, k? Ok...
do not shooo the stork over my way either, ok?
Haha! No worries; I wouldn't do that to ya sis!
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