Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I need to win the lottery!

So, I opened up my closet today, in hopes to find something new peeking out at me I guess? When I came home last June, Rowan was 8 weeks old. Needless to say, I had not lost much of the baby weight from pregnancy. I brought home ONE suitcase for both Rowan and me, anticipating we would return August 31st as planned. I think I brought, MAYBE, three pairs of pants and MAYBE five shirts for myself.
Well, since then, I have successfully lost all the pregnancy weight, and then a little more. I am fully intending to lose another 10-20 lbs. by August when Jamie comes home...PRAYERS PLEASE because I have not been so good about eating right and going to the gym regularly since Jamie's trip home last month...I think I have lost 1.5 lbs since then. Well, I HAVE NO FREAKIN' CLOTHES TO WEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am at a loss. I need to go shopping DESPERATELY, but I just cannot get myself to go. Shopping for myself seems so selfish now, there are just so many other things that seem so much more important! I am broke until the 1st, so there will be no shopping going on until then anyway. It's frustrating though; I have worked so freakin' hard to lose weight, and for what? So I can look like a rag-doll in my old clothes? This sucks...perhaps I should start stuffing my face with twinkies, then my old clothes will fit again and I won't look like a damn charity case!
Furthermore, Rowan needs some spring and summer clothes. I truly think I could spend hundreds of dollars for our wardrobes this season, and that makes my stomach hurt just to think about it!!! His clothes will definently come first, which will leave me waiting until the time I have the money to go shopping for myself, will probably be winter again! LOL ARGH!!!!!

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