Friday, April 11, 2008


Only three days down, and already I am trying to find things to do to pass the time...
Today, Rowan slept in!!! It is as if he understood that Mommy needed some rest this morning; he didn't make a peep until nearly 10:00 AM!!! Now normally, I would have been freaking out, awake, checking on him constantly...but this morning, I didn't wake up until I heard my little man calling for me, "Mama, Mama"...I looked at the clock and was amazed! We didn't even have breakfast until nearly 11:00, scrambled eggs with cheese, one of Rowan's yeah, I am spoiling him a little bit!
Next on the agenda, a shower for Mom...I got ready, and Rowan needed a nap, so he stayed with Aunt Nanny while I went to run errands. I ran my aunt's errands for her, then hit the post office to stock up on flat-rate shipping boxes, two of each size thank you!!! :-) And next up, I was Wal-Mart bound. I thought it would be a cute idea to get some finger paint and construction paper. Each month, I want to send Jamie Rowan's hand prints on a piece of paper; that way, he can see just how much Rowan is growing! I will attach a picture taken that month of our little man. Hopefully this will help...I don't know, I am just trying to think of anything that I WOULD LIKE if I had to be seperated from my baby for 15 months. If anyone has any ideas, PLEASE SHARE THEM!!! I know there are a lot of creative Army wives out there, and creative I am not...I have never been creative, but I shall try...
So far, that is our day. Now I hear my little bug waking up, and he hasn't had lunch yet, so I am off to get some things done!

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