Friday, May 30, 2008


Today I finally broke down and ordered my pictures, a total of 466 pictures! WOW Who knew! ANyway, I used the coupon code "PRTFREE08" and did not have to pay for shipping, which would have been around $21.00. I am very pleased! Hope this will help others of you out there who need to make an order.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Our Thursday

So, you may wonder, what does a "single" mommy of a 14 month old do on a beautiful, sunny Thursday??? Well, let me fill you in. Today Di had to go to Spfld to meet with her lawyers, and Rowan and I decided to tag along for the ride (with gas at 4.14/gallon, I am all about a little carpooling!). First we hit up Tea Thyme for a little lunch. Rowan had the PB&J with chips, and I had a cup of chicken noodle soup and half a turkey sandwich on a croissant. It was delish!!! MMMM!!!!!!!!!:) After Di had her meeting, I thought it would be a fabulous idea to tour downtown, something we just never seem to have the time to do! The weather was cooperating, so why not! We hit up a few little locally owned shops; one worth mentioning is Porgy's; they carry everything from gorgeous sterling silver jewelry to imported extravagant pottery and glass work. It was really neat, and I am thrilled to report that my toddler kept his hands to himself, a feat in itself really!!!
We toured a couple other small shops, then got a couple of vanilla lattes...which I am sorry to say were the worst I have had...very, very bad! We didn't get to stay too long b/c we had to go by Pony Keg (a motorcycle place) to pick up some parts for my cousin before 5:00. I wanted to go to Old Navy to exchange a couple things I got last weekend, and ended up finding quite a few bargains. I was quite pleased!!!
Next, we were mall bound. Rowan had not had a nap, and was running pretty low on energy. He managed to do very well though, and must have caught his second he was running aimlessly around the carousal at the center of White Oaks! It was fun to watch the amazement in his eyes, as he stared in awe at the horsies! SO CUTE!!!
I was on a mission to find a swimsuit for this mommies out there, are you with me when I say it is quite a little shock to the system to try on swimsuits for the first time after childbirth??? WOWZA!!! They just don't look as good as they once did, but I did manage to find one. I also got a new dress shirt and two pairs of MUCH needed shoes. Oh, and I guess I should also make note that my son got his first pair of Crocks! They are so dang cute!!!
Rowan was starving, and I was also getting a little hungry, so we stopped by Auntie Ann's pretzels for a little bite to eat for the road...then I realized,'s 8:30, and we have a 45 minute drive yet!!! Well, Di needed to get gas and wanted to wash the car, so we got home somewhere around 9:45 tonight. Rowan was very happy to be home, as were we all. Now, Rowan is fast asleep, with little in his belly (may be up tonight!), and I am barely able to keep my peepers peepin'! Goodnight to you all.

Loves and Smiles!

Huggies deal!!!

I am always all about saving a dollar, or heck, a penny, when I can! Funny how mommyhood makes one more conscious of spending habits! Anyway, my sister is the GENIOUS of bargain shopping, and she allerted me to a good deal on Huggies diapers. See her blog for how to save tomorrow only on Huggies, and more ways to make your dollar go a little further!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

101 posts, really///

I have posted 101 times...that doesn't seem RIGHT! LOL

Today was awesome; Di had to go to Spfld today, so Ro and I had some nice bonding time! We went to visit family, and went to see one of my friends. It is cute b/c her little 6 year old daughter loves me! :-) She gets so dang excited to see me; just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside! Anyway, we played hard there.
I had to run to the grocery store for bread, milk, juice, cheese and pickles, and then we met Di at Applebee's for lunch/dinner. When we finished it was 4:30, and Ro had not had a nap all day!!! Di took him home with her, and I went to tan and got my eyebrows waxed....a NICE, relaxing treat, so wonderful!!!

LOVES AND SMILES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day

It has been a very busy weekend for us, so I have not had a minute to post! Friday was busy with all the house stuff, and realtor drama, which I won't go into b/c I will just get fired up.

Saturday we had a full day, and then I went to Springfield at 6:00 to meet Jenn and Lee for dinner at Top Cats; Rowan stayed home with Di, so I could be of some use with their wedding planning. I don't feel like I was much help, but Jenn says I I believe her! LOL I can't wait to see all the plans come together. Weddings are so much work, geesh! Poor girl, she is doing such a great job though! We left after midnight, closed it down, that's right! We are some wild girls! LOL I got home around 1:00 AM, kissed Rowan good night, and couldn't stop thinking about all the wedding stuff. Sooo, I didn't get to sleep until around 4 AM!!! WHOA

By 7:30, Rowan and I were up and moving, and off to Springfield for a little house shopping. VERY FUN! :-) We had some nasty, stormy weather, and although we had two cookouts to go to, we just came home and stayed put. We got home around 5:00 or so.

Oh, and that leads us to today. Oh my...Rowan was a fireball today; first, he discovered that he can open the screen door to the deck! Now, I keep Rowan's pool on the deck, and although I emptied it after our last use, the rain filled it again...yep! He got in the pool, clothes and all, and I didn't even know it!!! What a bad mom, right? Well, I saw him in it, freaked out, grabbed him, and now I know...he isn't allowed in the kitchen for even A SECOND without me in there!!! Learn as we go I suppose...

Rowan is now fast, good night and God bless!

Loves and Smiles! :-)

Friday, May 23, 2008

Hello, HAPPY DAY!!!

Good news, the house that we just bought is finalized. I wanted to have it inspected, and I won't go into the long, drawn out story, but God is so good to me, and they counter-offered...although it wasn't for more money! WOOHOO All it said was a different closing date, fine by me! Okay, so I had the opportunity to counter-offer again, and asked for an inspection. It cost me $75.00, not as bad as I expected, and the house is in good shape!!! WOOHOO It is 85 years old, and it needs a few little minor things, but overall I am very pleased with it. So, we signed the papers today, and close June 30th! Thanks for ALL your prayers folks; I have felt God working this entire time, and I appreciate it!!! God is SUPER!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Our day...

Today started super early, as we had to be in Springfield at 9:30 for my aunt's dr. appointment; she had surgery on her hand on Tuesday, and had to go to therapy today. Rowan did REALLY well, and I was quite pleased! He woke up early w/o too much fuss or hassle, ate a little breakfast, played a bit, and did well on the drive. We were at the hospital for a couple hours, and he was PERFECT! He barely fussed at all, ate some snacks, and was ready for his nap...but wouldn't give in!!!
We left and went by my mom's shop to see her; it was a very brief visit, but great to see her as always. I really need to get up there to visit!!! Rowan was excited to see Grandma, and went right to her. It was really cute.
We went to Cracker Barrel for lunch, YUM! Rowan wet through his clothes, too many bottles perhaps??? I think maybe so! He ate pretty well; I thought it would be a nice treat to let him have pancakes for lunch, but he wasn't much of a fan, though he LOVED the sausage and cornbread! He started to get REALLY fussy before we left, and I didn't get to eat much of my lunch...oh well! We went to the Harley shop, and headed home. Much to my surprise, Rowan stayed awake the WHOLE afternoon. When we got home, I put him straight to bed, but it took him about 45 minutes to actually fall asleep. I was so tired, I took a nap too, but it was short-lived...
Rowan and I played hard this evening, talked to Daddy on the phone (Rowan gave him lots of kisses through the phone! LOL) and just had an overall great day. He is in bed now, which is where I SHOULD BE!
Tomorrow, I meet my realtor and the gang at the house for an inspection; I pray that it all goes well, b/c I sure am tired of looking!

Much love, many smiles!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Today was wonderful!!! The weather was beautiful, and I couldn't resist...I had to get out Rowan's new pool!!! I knew he would LOVE it, as he is a total water baby! And...indeed, getting him out of the pool was not as easy as getting him in it! He got to wear his cute little Speedo,

and I took a risk and let him go w/o a diaper! NO MESSES! He did great, better than I thought!

For dinner, I thought I would make something new, so we had some shells and veggies casserole. Rowan ate it up!!! He loved it. Then we had to have a bath to get all the sunblock off, yep...I AM THAT MOM! Rowan is now in bed, and I am attempting to watch American Idol, but am fed up with all the crap on here! That's about it...

anxious to get moved in!

Friday we are having the house inspected, and I am hoping it all goes well. I am so anxious to get moved in!!! We are closing June 30th, but I am hopeful that it may happen a tad sooner than that...***fingers crossed***
I can't wait to get Rowan in his HOME, get the nursery all done, and have a house that is baby-proofed and free of hazards...I need to be able to relax and let Rowan run around, and I can't do that here. Since it isn't MY house, I haven't really done anything as far as baby-proofing. I bought the stuff, but was told not to do it...ARGH!!! Having a toddler who is mischievous and adventurous makes life a little rough sometimes...
I WANT TO MOVE IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Is it bed time???

My son, who goes to bed at 8:00 on the dot every night, is wide awake at 9:15 PM...I am so tired, and I want to sleep!!! I put Rowan to bed, but got him back up after 35 minutes of crying and screaming...not sure what the deal is with this; maybe too much nap today???

Well, I have had a totally unproductive day, which is really nice! :-) Sometimes it is nice to just stay home; I will tell you a secret...I haven't even had a shower yet!!!!!!! Totally not my norm, but oh well, I don't even care! I used body splash, don't worry! lol

I got to talk to Jamie for a minute today; he called to tell me happy anniversary; between you and I, I think he forgot!!! I emailed him first thing today...I think this clued him in! LOL But yeah, pretty sure he forgot; since he is in Iraq, I may forgive him! :-)

Tonight I have been looking online for some house stuff. I have an empty house when we move in! All of our furniture is being held hostage in Germany by the damned Army, so I HAVE NOTHING!!! When I say nothing, I mean I will be moving in with our clothes...and that is IT! I have a crib for Rowan here at my aunt's house, but am hoping to be able to leave it here for when he sleeps over; I know he will! :-) I may end up taking it though. Some family has offered a few things, so here is what I may have:

crib and mattress for Rowan
king size mattress and box springs for our room
some pots and pans
washer and dryer

here is what I still need:
a mattress and box springs for Kyle's room (I have his headboard here still)
white dresser for Ro's room
wood dresser for Kyle's room
headboard/foot board for our room
dresser for our room
kitchen table and chairs
book shelf for Rowan
coffee pot
kitchen towels and rags
bath towels and wash cloths
sofa/chair/love seat
end tables and coffee table
computer table/desk and chair

I am sure I am forgetting a bunch of stuff. I hate this; we have beautiful, brand new stuff in Germany, and I WANT IT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate that the Army is being so ridiculous about this! We are here, and our belongings should be here too. I am going to just get odds and ends for now, b/c once we get our stuff back, I will be giving all of this stuff away, back to the owners or selling it...we'll see. Any ideas? I checked Ebay and Craig's list, all of it is either ugly or too much money for what they are selling! HELP PLEASE, I don't want an empty house in August!!!


It is our third wedding anniversary today!!! Three years sure goes by fast, let me tell ya! Five years together, three years married, and a 13 month Of the three years, we have had about 8 months of togetherness...that's military life for ya!
Anyway, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY JAMIE!!!! Can't wait for you to get home so we can celebrate it. MMM, sure could go for a Crepe Susette (SP???) like last year's anniversary! MMM Germans sure do know how to make my taste buds tingle! LOL
Love you my love!


Diaper dilemma?

Okay Mommies out there, this l'il Mama needs some advice! As my last post said, Rowan is taking his diapers off! He just woke up from a nap, and yep...he did it again! Does this mean he is ready for the potty, or is this just something he is doing b/c he CAN??? Help me out here ladies!!!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Manic Monday

I am really just too lazy to write much tonight, sorry! It may actually be a good thing though! HEHE The day started at 2:30 AM, when Rowan woke up screaming at the top of his lungs. I immediately thought something terrible had happened, and ran to his room...only to start cracking up!!! My 13 month old was trapped...his little weeny was poking through the bars of his crib; apparently he is at the "taking off his diaper" stage, and he decided lastnight was a great time to start!!! Also, he had taken his shirt over his head, but couldn't get it any further. He was faceless, and his arm was stuck over his head! LOL I had to laugh, then I went to his aid! LOL
A fresh diaper, a hug from Mama, and a bottle later, he was fast asleep until 6:30. I had to get to the bank first thing, and was actually there before they even 45 minutes! DANGIT; I could have slept later! Then I ran a fe errands for my aunt, and hit Home Depot for some inspiration; I picked out all the paint colors for our new house. I'll get pictures later, but it will be CUTE!!!
I headed home for lunch with munchkin, put him down for his nap, and decided I needed a snooze too. Didn't last I also went to get my brakes fixed today, and met with my realtor for some paper signing. Also had a baseball game to go to, and finally got home around 7:30 or so. Rowan was in bed by 8, Jamie called, and now I am ready for bed too!!!
That's my day!!!

Loves and Smiles! :-)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

it's SUNDAY~

Today has been a great day. I went back to see our house again, and took pictures so that Jamie could get a peek at what WE bought! LOL I went to the grocery store to get a couple items we needed, like milk, juice, and of course pickles! I was upset when I got home b/c I accidently got sweet pickles! YUCK!!!
Well, it was just too beautiful to be stuck inside today, so while Rowan was napping I went out to wash my Jeep and clean it out! It is SPARKLIN'! I also mowed the yard; I hate that! So, days like today make me realize that I really do miss my hubby. LOL I hate man jobs! Jamie and I have it so perfect; he mows, does the trash, takes care of the cars, etc., and I do the inside things: clean, laundry, cooking, etc. It works for us, and I wish he was here!!!
Tomorrow I am getting my brakes fixed and going to the bank to get the stuff done for the house! YIPPEE PRAYERS PLEASE!!! We already have the approval and whatnot, I just have to show it to the selling realtor. So yeah, that's about it! Oh, and I killed a baby bird today. Oh, and I have a bunch of other little things to do tomorrow...let's hope it is just as beautiful tomorrow as it was today!

Loves and smiles!


We did it, we took the plunge and BOUGHT A HOUSE! This has been a dream of ours for five years now, and being in the military something we have not been able to do as of yet. We decided to just DO IT, and when Jamie gets stationed somewhere else we will either rent it or sell it, but we will cross that bridge when we come to it! Here are some pics of our NEW HOME!!! We close June 30th, SO EXCITING!!!
OOPS, I accidently put a picture of Rowan on here, don't know how to get it off! SORRY!!!

Saturday silliness

I didn't get a chance to post yesterday, so I shall attempt it today! Well, I don't know, but I have been an emotional catastrophe waiting to happen for a while now, and yesterday...well, it was THE day for it! Nothing terrible happened, just me...that's it! I cried about EVERYTHING!!! It was nuts.
So, for starters, I went to look at a house in S. Jax yesterday. I was hoping to find one in south or west, which is where I have mostly been looking. I was running out of hope that I would find on in our price range, but yesterday...IT HAPPENED! I went to look at a new listing, my realtor SWORE to me that "this was the house". I hadn't seen pictures or anything, but when I walked in, I knew I had found the perfect house. It is in south, a block from the school, 1/2 block from Community Park!!!! PERFECT! It has three bedrooms, a HUGE garage (fits FIVE cars!!!), everything in it is new: new roof, water heater, a/c unit, furnace, replacement windows, carpet, paint...OMG!!! It even has a nursery, which is attached to the master bedroom (WITH DOUBLE CLOSETS, HEAVEN!!!). The yard is enormous!!! OMG, it's perfect. Okay, there are a few things that are not perfect; it has a shared driveway, booooo...and the basement is not usable, just pretty much a storm shelter, but it's ok. The house is over 1500 sf, which is a nice size for us right now. Anyway, I made an offer right there, and they signed and accepted it last night! I hope to say it is a "done deal", but after the last one, I won't say that until I have a key in my hands!!!

After that, my friend, Melissa GOT MARRIED! My gosh, she was a STUNNING bride, so beautiful. The wedding was simple, elegant and perfect, and so glad I was a part of it! to Autumn's house for her bachelorette party! I didn't think I was going to be able to go, but it all worked out and I was able to have a much-needed girl's night out. We had dinner at her house, compliments of Bre, and it was DELICIOUS! We had a few daiquiris and then we headed to Alton to the boat. I didn't do too well, although I was feeling lucky and winning like crazy at first. I came home short ten bucks, not bad for a night out! It was a lot of fun; I got home at around midnight, a LATE one for us!!!! :-) I kissed Ro ni-night, although he was already sound asleep!
I was NOT feeling well lastnight, so I was up quite a bit later than midnight. I think I went to sleep somewhere around 3 or 4 again. Oh my gosh, still not feeling very well AT ALL, not sure what is wrong. I think I may have some sort of flu bug. UGH, hopefully it is gone soon!

That's pretty much it. I am going to look at the house again today, so I can get pictures! PRAYERS!!!!!!!!!!!!


Friday, May 16, 2008

our day

Today was pretty low key, a much needed break from the craziness that has become us these last few weeks. I got up a little early today, a miracle considering the night I had details for now, too complicated. I didn't sleep much at all! In fact, the last time I looked at the clock, it was 4 AM. I have been surviving on extra strength aspirin all day long; I can't even begin to explain the cramps that I have been having...unlike ANY previous!

So, at nap time, I got a phone call from Dr. Ebry saying that Deeva's ashes are back, and I could come in to pick them up whenever I am comfortable doing so...Like I am going to be "comfortable" picking up my dog's creamated ashes...I don't know how I will conquor this task. Well, after that, I was pretty upset, and I too took a little much-needed nap! Very nice.

I had three calls from my realtor in that time; she rocks! She is busting her BUTT to find me a house. Turns out, a new listing came up today in the area and school dist. that I love here in town. It isn't even open for showing yet, but Linda got me an apt. for tomorrow morning! YIPPEE
Rowan had some lunch, and we headed for the park. Rowan LOVES the park! We had a lot of fun running and playing. He loves the swing, but isn't too sure about the slide. He ended up falling asleep in my lap, while we were BOTH swinging! He's so lovey!!! :-)
Sooo, next was dinner, and then bath time. Now we are just hanging low waiting on Daddy to call back. Talking to Jamie on the phone while bathing a rambunctious toddler boy is not an easy job!

Tomorrow is nutty: I have a billion errands to run in the morning, a house to look at at 11:30, a wedding to go to at 3 and then Autumn's bachelorette party tomorrow night...Oh Lord...

So, a note to future brides!!! READ THIS WARNING>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

PLEASE DO NOT PLAN WEDDINGS IN MAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, there are eleven other months! This month is so packed with weddings and wedding related stuff, I am going nuts! AND BROKE! LOL Oh, and birthdays and graduations! YIKES!!!
Here is our month of busy stuff:

In April, we had THREE bridal showers too!

May 3 Reception, birthday party

10: graduation

11: mother's day

13th: bday dinner

16th: briday shower

17th: wedding AND bachelorette party

23rd: graduation and bachelorette party

24th: wedding planning! this will be fun, I am meeting Jenn at Top Cat's! I'm looking forward to the girl time and wedding planning! :-)

25th: cookout

31st: wedding, last one of the month

In June, Ro and I will be flying to Florida for Autumn's wedding...I am pretty much wedding'd out at this point! Love weddings, but dang it! ALL IN ONE MONTH! YIKES!!!

Wow, okay, I am back...not that you knew I was gone, but I calls, dirty diapers, and bed it is 9:10, and I am waiting for Jamie to call me back!

I'm off...night!



Come on people!!!!! Go to the bottom of this page, and VOTE!!! Only EIGHT votes so far, and it ends TOMORROW! Go vote!

Also, we are approaching 1000 hits! Quite exciting, eh? I'll think of something to celebrate! :-)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Going crazy

Today has been a lousy day again...I don't know, I am frustrated with people right now. I don't want to go into details, but I seriously want to just cry all night long right now.

So, basically the weather has been icky and rainy, which does not help with my mood much, and yes...I am a grouch! Poor Rowan! LOL

Well, I had a dentist appointment today first thing, and I went to Walmart to get my oil changed and tires rotated. I picked up a few things for Jamie's care package. I still need a couple more things though.
Finally, after over an HOUR of waiting (I was told it would be 30 minutes), I was on my way home. I talked to my doctor again today. Basically, little personal, but here is the deal. Since Jamie has been home, I haven't had a period. I know, you are thinking, "YOU ARE PREGNANT", but I'm not. Three tests have said, they put me on some hormone pills, we'll see if it helps or not. For now, I feel so bloated and crampy, and SOOO TIRED! I just want to go to sleep...but I cannot...UGH!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


OMG, this stupid blogspot crap sucks. I only do this for Jamie, otherwise I hate this damn site! Can the freaking icons PLEASE BE FIXED??? I went to update/edit my old posts and add pictures, but apparently the guy that works this stuff is retarded...get someone new!!!

So, basically, b/c this site sucks, I can't put these pictures where they with it! They are not with the right day, thanks this site, not me!

These pictures are from yesterday at the Kaufmann house, and today at the park and baseball game...
I am really too frustrated and tired to write much tonight, I just want to go to bed and cry b/c I miss Deeva so good-night!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Gloomy day?

I got to talk to Jamie today, and he is so distraught over Deeva. I have never seen him love a dog so much (although he will HATE me for saying this for the world to read!). He is truly, truly, truly upset over her death. This was perhaps the worst part of it all for me. I know how much she meant to ALL of us, and she will forever be missed!
To all of our family and friends: THANK you, sincerely and from the bottom of our hearts, for all of your condolences on our little princess. The emails, texts, myspace messages, phone calls and IM's are very much appreciated!!!

And on a lighter note....
Today was an improvement from yesterday, and to be honest I was quite scared of what could possibly happen next.
I still have no prospects on a house...prayers please!
I did get to talk to Jamie! YAYA
I was so tired this afternoon, I tried like crazy to get a nap to no prevail! My eyes have been so swollen from crying, I wasn't sure I could keep them open!
We went to Spfld to my sister's house for dinner. It was my step-dad's bday, so we had a nice dinner (thanks Jamie and Jeff!!!). I always love seeing the fam; my nephews are growing up so fast!!! I got to see my sweet girl, Melissa, my little sis...although she was in quite a funky mood...not sure why??? Fill me in SIS!!!
So, Jamie convinced me to go to CVS with her at like 9:00??? She is quite the bargain shopper, so why not! So, this is what I got..and don't ask me to explain how! LOL

3 Crest toothpaste (some fancy kind) @ 3.99 ea.
5 Colgate toothbrushes $2.99 ea.
2 Huggies Snug fit diapers (44 pack) $8.99 each
2 Huggies Natural fit (40 pack) 8.99 each
1 2 liter Pepsi $1.69
1 Adidas Deodorant $4.99

So, this should have been around $69.56, and I only spent $34.00 with tax!!!
$3.00 off coupons (CVS)
$3.00 off coupon (CVS)
Extra care bucks on toothpaste, toothbrushes, and deodorant = 31.91

It was a little confusing to me, first timer here...and the lady messed up a few things, so it was a mess...and four trips! LOL Anyway, still exciting nonetheless.

So, on the way home, I hit an animal. I don't know what it was, I am thinking a fox? I didn't see it until I hit it. I had to pull over b/c my car was pulling so badly, but it looks okay and we are home...It is almost midnight, and I am tired...goodnight!


I am just feeling so bummed out. Losing Deeva yesterday has really devastated me, and I cannot seem to shake it. I know it takes time, but I just can't stop crying!!! Every time Rowan is asleep or in the other room, the waterworks start again. Then I wipe my face and put a smile on, like I am somehow tricking him! He knows, and I need to get it together PRONTO!!! God, I just miss her SO MUCH! Pet lovers, dog owners, you know where I am coming from. Deeva was a gift from my husband when he went to Iraq the first time, in 2005. She was also the niece of our beloved Gucci (passed in 2004). My Yorkies are like my children; they go everywhere with me! It was wonderful being in Germany, b/c pets are allowed EVERYWHERE, and we took advantage of it! She went sight seeing with us all the time. Our Army friends LOVED Deeva, she kind of became our little mascot! LOL Every time Jamie and I went somewhere, several people would offer to watch her for us. She was VERY much loved!!! She is was our little sweetheart, and she loved everyone she ever met...

OKAY, I can't talk about it anymore...
I am still upset about the house. I have no more options at this point. I have looked at every house in our price range within a 20 mile radius!!!! I am out of options...I am stressed...I WANT A FREAKING HOUSE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am sad, I am mad, I am agitated, I miss Jamie and I miss our Deevers.... God, PLEASE let things turn around for us soon. I really cannot handle all of this!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Our beloved little princess, Deeva Rae

Today we lost our baby girl...we miss you sugar! Below is an email that I sent to family and friends explaining what happened...

Hello family and friends, I was going to try to make phone calls to some of you, and I apologize for sending a mass email about this. I just do not know how many more times I can handle telling please forgive me. Today has been a really rough day here. Deeva was scheduled to have her teeth cleaned at 8:30, and she also was needing to have some teeth pulled. Jamie and I were aware that she had an infection in her teeth, as she was seen by a vet in Germany 10 days prior to flying home. As soon as Jamie and Deeva were home, I called our vet, Dr. Ebry, to schedule her appointment. This was back in March. They could not get her in until today. First thing this morning, I took Deeva to Dr. Ebry's office and left her. I was told to pick her up around 3, no later than 4:30. At around 2:00, Dr. Ebry called me to tell me that Deeva was not doing well and to come in as soon as I could. Angie came to watch Rowan for me; I was pretty much a wreck at this point...poor Rowan had no idea what was going on!!! When I got there, she was lying on a table, and Dr. Ebry was manually pumping air into her lungs. They are not sure what happened; in fact, he said that in 36 years, this has never happened before. He was visibly upset and shaken as well, and he told me that he had even been praying over her. Her heart was still beating, so I wouldn't let them give up on her...Dr. Ebry was very patient and sat there with me. He had to revive her once, and they gave her two shots to keep her breathing. He said he couldn't give her any more shots (I can't remember what it was called, sorry). For a few minutes, Deeva started to come out of it, and she was breathing on her own. She opened her little eyes and looked at me, and I was talking to her and rubbing her belly. I thought, for that slight moment, that she was going to be okay. I must have been there for somewhere around an hour. Dr. Ebry said she had been in and out all morning; when they gave her the anesthesia, they were helping her breathe then. When she woke up, he said she was rolling her tongue around, responding when they pinched her paws, etc., and then shortly after she was down again. I certainly did not expect this to happen when I took her in for a routine teeth cleaning!!! I am shocked and so upset. I miss her terribly, and coming home without my baby girl is devastating. At this point, I am not sure what happened. I feel terrible! They asked me if I wanted to do a blood test to test her liver, lung and heart function before they gave her the anesthesia, and I declined it. Now I am wishing I had done it!!! It could have been something different, like an allergy to the anesthesia, I don't know... They said that it could have also been an infection that had spread, and we just were not aware of it. Deeva has been in heat, and she has been acting a little sluggish lately, but I contributed that to her being in heat...she always acted funny when she was in heat! They said they could do an autopsy, but I also declined that. I just don't want to know if it was something that I could have prevented; I would never let myself live it down!!! Please say a little prayer for our beloved little baby girl, Deeva. She is very missed already!!!! As for Rowan, he doesn't seem to notice that things are different, other than the fact that Di and I are crying our eyes out. I know, "she is a pet", but she is also a part of our family...not "just a dog" to us!!! She was with me the first time Jamie was in Iraq, and it is going to be funny without her this time around. It is going to take some getting used to, and I don't think I will ever be a dog owner again! First my Gucci, now Deeva...I just don't think I can do it again!!!!!!!!! Sorry for the long email... XOXOXOX,Ashley

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