Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Not so productive! OOPS

Today I was unable to get over to the house until around 6:30 PM; Autumn is such a trooper, and she has helped me SO MUCH!!! Well, I have to touch up the LR a bit, but I am not planning on a second coat. We started on Kyle's room today; his walls are an Army green, but it looks so beautiful with the hardwood, white trim, and lovin' that ceiling fan! I am so easily pleased these days, huh? We worked until 9:30, and we didn't even get the first coat on! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE??? We thought we could get it done w/o taping, but turns out we couldn't! LOL So, we had to stop to tape, especially the ceiling! I tend to make a sloppy mess when I paint, not so pretty!
Rowan has been teething, and we are really lacking in the whole sleep category! He is cutting all FOUR eye-teeth at ONCE! My poor little guy! It is 10:45, and he is still awake. I even let him play around in the bath tub for almost an hour, just hoping the water would wear him down a bit...we'll see what happens!

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In attempt to cut our spending, we have switched to generics on some common household purchases. Which of the following, if any, have you switched from name brand to generic?