Thursday, August 27, 2009


So, check THIS out (thanks to babycheapskate)!!! TRU and BRU is offering trade in on your useds, unwanted baby items!!! Take in the items you no longer use or need, and get 20% off your purchase for a new item!
This deal starts August 28th and will continue through September 20th. For all the details, see the post HERE!

New Walgreen's coupon!

Just when I thought I could be formally disappointed with Walgreen's for their lack of deals this week, they put out a new coupon for $5 off of a $25 purchase! To print your coupon, click HERE.

Looking for a great buy on baby wipes and diapers? Here is a good scenerio!

Purchase 4 Jumbo packs of Walgreen's brand supreme diapers, on sale for $5.99 = $23.96

Purchase 2 packs of Hugies wipes for .79 each after coupon = $1.58

Huggies wipes are $2.79. Use the coupon for $2/package. You can find this coupon at the front of the store in the back to school book!

Your total for FOUR packs of diapers and TWO packs of wipes will be $25.54
Use the above coupon for $5/$25 = $20.54

Financial thoughts.

I have not stopped thinking about finances since my post last night; when I totalled up OUR household debt, I am pretty sure my heart fell to the floor. It can be very overwhelming!!!

Our generation grew up believing that debt was simply a way of life. It was expected, and accepted, to take out loans to finance our own education. If you were like me, it started out small. I took out small loans to help pay for SOME of my college courses. I continued to work full-time to pay for the other part. Eventually, I got overwhelmed...I was working two jobs, one as a retail manager, and one as a waitress, and going to school full time (15 - 18 credit hours/semester). I was also living on my own and had bills to pay!!! Of course, I couldn't just live in any ol' apartment! Oh no...I had to have the best! I rented a duplex for $750.00/month! I thought I was making good choices, but I was only starting my dependency on financing my future.

Eventually, I quit working to go back to school full-time and focus on my education. I was 23 at the time, and moved back on campus...a bit of a blow to my ego, if I do say so myself!!! Before moving, I had a large garage sale (my very first!) to make enough money to get me through the semester, hoped for the year! I also had to give up my precious puppy, as it was forbidden to have pets on campus. It was, at the time, the most difficult thing I had ever done.

After just a couple of months of living on campus with three roommates, I realized that the money I had hoped would finance me through the year was dwindling, and I knew I had to get a job. Fortunately, I found a great opportunity at a Youth Center; I could work when I wanted and got paid fairly well.

Eventually, I was working with three kids instead of just one. But that didn't last forever...eventually the program closed, and again, I was at square one. No savings. No income...but bills to pay! So, I started taking out more money for my student loans, a little bit to live on in addition to what I needed to pay for classes. If I couldn't afford what I needed, like groceries, I put it on a charge card!!! I had several credit cards: Kay's, Express, Limited, Victoria's Secret, Structure/Bath and Body Works, Sears, Sam's, and Capitol One! Anything I needed was available with the swipe of my plastic magic!!!

I finally graduated...but with a hefty amount of debt to account for!!! I had a whopping $48,000 in school loans and somewhere around $8,000 in credit card debt.

Eventually, my car decided to take a crap, and I didn't have a vehicle to get me back and forth to school and work...with no cash and no credit left to do what I needed to do to FIX the problem, which was the starter, I decided it would be better to simply buy a new one. I got financed for the loan, added my personal loan to it, and drove off the car lot with a new car, and another $28,000.00 in debt. I didn't have to make my first payment for 90 days, so I thought this was for sure the way to go!!!

Eventually, it all caught up with me, and I was left with financial debt up to my EARS!!! I can safely say that there is no worse feeling than learning that your financially SCREWED!!! I felt like a caged animal, ready to break out, but unable to do so.

My husband and I have since made some accomplishments with our finances, and we realize the consequences of financing our future. It isn't worth it!!! We want to get OUT OF DEBT completely; while we have made progress, we have a ways to go still.

Admitting that you have debt, and don't want to go down that road anymore, IS HUGE!!! It is difficult to talk about; it isn't a proud moment when you realize what your financial choices have amounted to. Keeping up with the Jones's is a tough job, and we all want to have the BEST! Is it really worth the stress? No. I am tired of living outside of our means, and refuse to raise my children believing that is the norm.

I want to make our financial struggles, ups and downs, public. By doing so, I hope to hold myself more accountable. Each day we make financial decisions, and I want to make better ones! Join me on my journey to FINANCIAL FREEDOM!!!!!!!

Print Smartsource coupons

In attempt to cut our spending, we have switched to generics on some common household purchases. Which of the following, if any, have you switched from name brand to generic?