Saturday, April 12, 2008

Hello and Good-bye

Yep, he's learning hello and good-bye! Here is a little sample of it. He's so smart!!!

VIDEO: Rowan in the bathtub 04-12-08


And AFTER his bath, he has som WILD man hair! He is learning how to use a brush...this was before we used it! LOL

more pictures from 4-12

Little did I know that I am limited to FIVE pictures per are some more pictures from tonight!!!

Ending our Saturday

Today has been fairly uneventful, yet sinfully chaotic at the same time. Rowan woke up from his nap in a really whiny mood, again, I shall blame the cold and teething. Poor little guy! Though he was a grump, it did not detour him from being his curious normal self. I tried to take pictures of the events as they happened, but try caring around a dang camera ALL day while chasing a toddler! It is not an easy task!!!

We first started our early evening with some finger painting...a new adventure, and one I was sure would end in pure disaster. However, much to my surprise, and delight, it went rather smoothly! I put the paint on his hands, which made him quite anxious and curious as he wondered why on Earth his hands were suddenly blue, and pushed his little fingers down on construction paper...this part he did not like too well...all about restraint, my friends! In a matter of probably 5-10 minutes, our art class came to a close, and we were washing hands. I did take off his clothes, as a precaution, which is why in some of these pictures I have a little sumo wrestler running around! LOL

While I was cleaning up the art mess, Rowan once again discovered the unlocked cabinet in the kitchen and began tearing out whatever was in reach. His new trick??? Throwing EVERYTHING down the stairs! So, we had a mess in the living room, and I spent quite a while hauling pots and pans back up the stairs to put them back in the!

I finally got the gumption to break out the blocks I had gotten Rowan for Christmas. I have been dreading this somewhat, as I knew what a mess it could be, and knew without doubt that the dogs would ransack them as soon as they could! Well, solution...I put the baby gate on the stairs to keep the dogs away, and let little Ro go to town. I showed him how to stack blocks one on top of another, etc., but he was more interested in finding a way to fit this new little toy into his mouth...We did however, have a very successful clean up time. He is learning how to put things away, which is quite a wonderful new discovery if I do say so myself! :-)

I don't know what it is, but every time I open the refrigerator door, Rowan pulls out the Ranch dressing. Is this a sign that he will like Ranch, or a mere fact that he grabs whatever is easiest and within reach? We shall see...I'll keep you posted on the Ranch issue!

Next it was bath time!!! Tonight was a monumental night, as it was really Rowan's first time in the bathtub all by himself!!! Now, I had put him in alone while we were in Arizona, but it was a QUICK in and out process, whereas tonight, it was all about fun in the tub!!! He thoroughly enjoyed himself, as you will see in the pictures and video. Much to my surprise, there were no mishaps...even with me running a camera and video! YAY ROWAN, such a big boy!!! It is now 9:10, Rowan is fast asleep, I have laundry to fold and put away, dishes to do, and then I too shall retire for the evening...can't wait to get up and do it ALLLL over again tomorrow! :-)


We had an early dinner, late lunch again today, and Rowan was not too interested in eating...blame the cold or teething, take your pick!
On a day like today, rainy and icky, a good cure...homemade potato soup!!! YIPPEE!!! Sounded like a good plan, so I peeled some potatoes and got it started while Rowan was taking his long nap. I realized, once I got it started, that I was out of skim milk and butter!!! So, I did the next best thing and used Rowan's whole milk and my non-butter, good-for-your-heart "butter"...which didn't really work. The oils from it just sat on top, and then of course I felt guilty for using whole milk instead of skim and didn't really want to eat it.
Being as Rowan is at his independent, I can feed myself stage, soup really isn't a good option. Sooo, Rowan ended up eating potatoes out of the soup, peas and carrots, and some cheese...I really need to do some better planning. Notice: no meat was consumed for this meal far, my mission is failing!

Rowan 04-12-08 afternoon

This video is just to show how goofy my little man is. I think we need some sunshine so I can get us OUT of the about cabin fever!

Rowan when he has too much sugar!

I am trying to do better about taking videos for Jamie to see. Lastnight I captured Rowan in rare form, after eating strawberries...this is what happened!

Our Saturday has begun, and it feels like it will be another long, dreery day here in Jville! There is no sign of sunshine coming our way, only drops of rain...YUCK! I am ready for some darn sun. I can't wait to get Rowan outside in the yard to PLAY!!!

Breakfast was a fast handfull of fruity cheerios and an apple cereal bar.

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