Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sick baby...

I knew Rowan was coming down with something, as he has just looked drained and has had a cough and sneezles... Tonight, it hit...temperature, diarrhea, and just overall lethargy. My poor little man!
When I went to take his temp, I found that my digital thermometer did not work...what happened??? Not sure. So, I had one other option...anal, as I only had an anal thermometer. Luckily, Autumn was over, so I had her help me hold down my squirmy toddler.
He was running a bit of a temp, so Motrin came to the rescue. Right now, he seems to be fine. However, he won't eat. He has been drinking obnoxious amounts of cold water, and then the diarrhea is in full force.
I am sincerely hoping that he is better soon! Tomorrow is swim class, and Friday is his birthday!!! Prayers for a healthy boy!

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