Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Kohl's sale!

KOHL'S SALE!!! Save 60-80%, that's a great savings! With back to school approaching, cringe, you may want to hop on in to your nearest Kohl's store and pick up a few new summer items for those first few weeks/months of hot weather!!!
You may be lucky enough to have a 10, 20, or 30% off coupon, which you can also use on the sale items.


Buy $100.00 worth of cleanced Summer items.
80% off will take that $100.oo down to only $20.00 (before tax)
Use your coupon, lets say for 20% off of the 20.00, and only spend $16.00 plus tax!!!

This is also a great time to buy for next year. Happy shopping!!!

Kellog's cereal rebate

Hey moms and dads,

If your chilren are like mine, you can never have enough cereal in your house!!! When I have Kyle and Karena here, we easily go through a box every 2 days. They are piggies!!! Please click on the link to see how to get a really great deal on your Kellog's, then send in the rebate form. Details here. Happy savings!!!

Print Smartsource coupons

In attempt to cut our spending, we have switched to generics on some common household purchases. Which of the following, if any, have you switched from name brand to generic?