Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wednesday, May 7th

Hi there everyone! Today has been a mellow one; the weather didn't permit to do too much, so we hung out at home quite a bit, and...I GOT A NAP! That's right, sure did, and it was very much enjoyable! :-) Thank you to my little munchkin for letting Mommy relax, kick her heels up, and catch some Z's this afternoon!!!

This evening, we hit a baseball game. It was still raining, so we stayed in the car, but I'm tellin' ya now...I have a future pro-ball player on my hands! HE LOVED IT! He watched the game very intensely for quite some time. It was neat!!!

I got some work done around here when we got home; Rowan received some new sippys, bowls and snack trap cups from Autumn, so I had to get some boiling Yep, I still do that! I also boiled all his bottles and nipples, all the stuff I could find pretty much.
Rowan is sleeping sweet right now, and I have to get up super early tomorrow, so I am hoping I can fall asleep quickly tonight...perhaps some wine is in order???

Oh no...I just saw the end of Idol...what a bummer, Jason Castro is going home! Jason, I have enjoyed watching and listening to you this season!!! Hope you make an album SOON, include lots of pictures...I shall miss seing you....XOXOXOXOX
Okay, I am attaching some pictures from tonight; I decided NOT to put Rowan in the tub, and instead I just took a wash cloth and soap to was much simpler! Only problem, his hair got a little out of control!

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