Friday, July 11, 2008

Dang paint!

I am STILL working on painting the house. Ro's room has been boggling my mind; I cannot get paint to stay on the darn walls!!! Stripes were pretty much ruled out when I removed the painter's tape, only to find that the fresh coats of tan paint did NOT stay on the walls. Instead, I painted the one wall where his crib will be BLUE! It is absolutely gorgeous, and I couldn't be happier with the colors. I got both coats on it today, but when I went to remove the tape...again, it is pulling the paint right off the walls. This is only happening in Rowan's room, so I am stumped!
The kitchen ceilings are really high, so I finally got a ladder today and taped the ceiling. Autumn came over to help me get the edging done. We have the first coat of gold paint on the walls. Tomorrow I plan to edge the second coat and get the second coat done in there...then I will need to paint the trim, and I'll be DONE in there...oh yeah, and the red needs a THIRD coat of paint...

The MBR is room down!!! Once the trim is done in the kitchen and Ro's room, I will move on to the living room and hall. I am saving Kyle's room for last. I am just anxious to get it all done! It seems like it is taking me FORRRRRRRRRRRRRREVER!!!

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