Monday, April 14, 2008

Winding down for the day...

Play time outside

Soaking up some sunshine!

We finally got some sunshine today, and I was determined to get Rowan out. We didn't go too far, or too long, but we did get out!!! Here are the pictures. Oh, and check out those shoes! He HATES shoes!

Yeah, the outfit is pretty hot. You just don't know high fashion! HAHAHA

I'm not the only tired one!

This was a new thing! Rowan has NEVER fallen asleep while eating, but this morning he did! I made sausage and biscuits for breakfast, and he fell asleep while eating! Rest assured, I put him straight to bed...after the pictures! LOL

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In attempt to cut our spending, we have switched to generics on some common household purchases. Which of the following, if any, have you switched from name brand to generic?