Thursday, March 12, 2009


So, at the beginning of 2009, I was so pumped to do everything right! I really wanted to get our savings built up, pay off some debt, and learn to live more simplistic. I am proud to say that we are making some progress, but I am just not as motivated...merely three months into the year! Do not get me wrong, I by no means am living the high-life here in Jville... I need to get back on the wagon, and go at it with gazelle intensity again!!!
I think, when Jamie gets home, it will be much easier to live on a budget. For now, running three households, it is darn near impossible!!! Rowan and I are here in IL, Jamie is in Iraq, and we still have our house and expenses in Germany. I can't wait to cut the Germany expenses out. When Jamie is HOME, we will be able to cut back a lot on our spending...not to mention, we can do it together, which really is essential in a good financial plan. Jamie is a little bit more of a spender than I am. I much prefer to save, where Jamie would live paycheck to paycheck if it were up to him....luckily, IT ISN'T! :-)

my plans for when Jamie gets home:

1. maintain ONE vehicle, not two or three. I am used to being home all the time, so it won't bother me to be w/o a vehicle during the day. On days when we have something to do, I can get up and take Jamie to work...or he can carpool!

2. Get rid of the house phone (69.99/month). We ONLY have it b/c I need it to get calls from overseas.

3. Squeeze the overall budget a little tighter. Since he won't be in Iraq, and will be home for meals, I will be able to provide a cooked meal most of the time...rather than him grabbing BK every night!

With the money we do save from him being home, I would like to continue sending care packages overseas to the troops. More for us = more for them!!!!! :-)

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In attempt to cut our spending, we have switched to generics on some common household purchases. Which of the following, if any, have you switched from name brand to generic?