Sunday, July 27, 2008


Hi folks!
We have officially moved into our new home! We still have some work to do, it is a work in progress, but it is officially where we will lay our heads tonight! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!
I will not have a computer for a while, so I don't know how well I will do at keeping my blog going...stay tuned!

Loves, happiness, and many cheeky smiles!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Need to post!

Sorry readers, I have been terribly busy these last few days. There is a lot going on, and a lot still to do! I promise, I will fill you all in soon! :-)

Jamie, I love you honey! Sorry I had to rush off the phone today. MUAH XOXOX I miss you!!!

Loves and hugs,

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

coming along?

So, pictures do not do justice, and certainly do not validate my hard work! LOL Nevertheless, there they are. List of things accomplished:

new front and back doors are put in

new stuff around the windows and top of the house (whatever it is called???)

had the carpets cleaned

got a good start on the bathroom/painting is done

new bed for Kyle's room!!! YAYAYAY

new and WORKING smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors

hallway is painted and finished

Kyle's room is painted and finished

LR is painted (need to remove the tape still)

laundry room is painted and finished

washer and dryer are in and hooked up! WOOT!!!

new chair railing is primed and painted (ready to put up)

sidewalks are finished

I can't remember what all else...but for those of you who have been leaving me messages, and I have not called back...I hope the running list above is proof that I have been busting my ass and super busy! LOL

Hi Loyal readers, AKA JAMIE K! LOL

Sorry that I have not posted lately. I am working SUPER hard on getting our house done and ready to move into!!! The painting is DONE (at least for now), thanks to my little sister, Mel, for her help!!! Thanks to everyone else who has been over to help as well!!! :-) I appreciate all that everyone has done for me and my family; we are very grateful to you!!!

I will be posting new pics soon...when I remember my darn camera! It's getting there though, and that's the important part. I'M READY TO MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! House, here we come!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Uncle Lee comes to visit!!!

The first pic was taken yesterday, and that is a watermelon he is sitting on! He didn't quite know what to think of it; he wanted to play with it, like a ball, only it was too sitting on it was the next best idea! LOL Uncle Lee came out today, and he took Rowan out in the peddle boat...being the paranoid mom that I am, Rowan had to put on his floaty! LOL


So, as it gets closer for us to move into our new house, I am a little but...uh, stressed may be a good word! Jamie and I have a full house of new, beautiful furniture in GERMANY, and the damn Army REFUSES to send it to us until OCTOBER OF '09 AT THE EARLIEST!!!!!!!! I have two children and an EMPTY house!!! I seriously want to just cry b/c there is no way we can afford to buy new furnishings for our home. Kyle is coming to live with us in ONE week! I have been searching frantically for used furniture, but if it is in decent condition, they want way too much for it. PLEASE, if you have anything that we can BORROW until next year, or something you would be willing to sell for a low price, PLEASE contact me! Here is what we still need, with the most important listed first:

couch for our livingroom (as well as other furniture for the LR, but a couch would be a great place to start!)
bed for Kyle's room
I have NO dressers for any of our rooms!
Crib and mattress for Rowan's room
book shelves

the rest, I am going to just get wherever I can for now. But these three things are most important right now!


Friday, July 18, 2008


We are getting there!!! I finished Kyle's room today, and it looks SHARP! I think he will really love it; to be honest, it is my favorite room in the whole house! I taped off the hall and it is ready to paint! I also need to quickly give the LR a second coat of paint; I have the edging done already! WOOHOO
The sidewalks are DONE! I didn't get any pics today, so I will get some up tomorrow...hopefully! Tomorrow the new front and back doors are being put in, and next week I will have the interior doors done! YIPPEE!!!! I hope to have it completed next week...prayers please!

So, on a side note: I had an emotional day today. While I was at the house, alone, I had a little breakdown; I do this from time to time. I really miss Jamie! Jamie found out that he will not be coming home on the 12th of next month as planned...thus, he will miss his brother's wedding, and all of his family while they are here. Jenn and Lee are upset about it, understandably so, but took the news far better than I had anticipated! THANKS JENN AND LEE!!! :-) He will still be coming home, just not when we had planned...for me, this is a huge disappointment, but with the military, well...somewhat expected. PRAYERS PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Pictures from today

HOuse update

Today, I was working alone! NO FUN! I finished the edging and first coat in Kyle's room, and started the second coat in the LR. Also, my stove arrived, LOVIN' IT! Can't wait to do some cooking!!! WOOHOO The new sidewalks out front and in back are also being layed! YIPPEE!!!

I got some not so good news today, will update tomorrow after I get more information...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Not so productive! OOPS

Today I was unable to get over to the house until around 6:30 PM; Autumn is such a trooper, and she has helped me SO MUCH!!! Well, I have to touch up the LR a bit, but I am not planning on a second coat. We started on Kyle's room today; his walls are an Army green, but it looks so beautiful with the hardwood, white trim, and lovin' that ceiling fan! I am so easily pleased these days, huh? We worked until 9:30, and we didn't even get the first coat on! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE??? We thought we could get it done w/o taping, but turns out we couldn't! LOL So, we had to stop to tape, especially the ceiling! I tend to make a sloppy mess when I paint, not so pretty!
Rowan has been teething, and we are really lacking in the whole sleep category! He is cutting all FOUR eye-teeth at ONCE! My poor little guy! It is 10:45, and he is still awake. I even let him play around in the bath tub for almost an hour, just hoping the water would wear him down a bit...we'll see what happens!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Getting ready!!!

Today was FANTASTIC!!! Autumn and I busted our butts getting the LR painted, and I LOVE IT!!! We finally got the electricians there, and they put up the fans in Ro and Kyle's rooms, doorbells, motion lights in the front and back, and installed the microwave/range. I now have a NEW, big, bright light in the laundry room too!Oh, and the hall light! It was an old pull light, now we have a switch! Last thing, they replaced all the light switches and outlet receptical thingymabobbers, so they are all new, all white, and ALL MATCH!!! HEHE Can't wait to see the finished product! :-)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

House pictures, 07-13-08

Today I had no I didn't accomplish a whole lot. I went over and removed the painters tape from all the painted rooms, which makes it look a lot nicer, I must say! The kitchen walls and Ro's room are done,,,just need to paint all the trim white!!! WOOHOO I must say, it feels nice...just wish it was moving along a little faster!

Oh, and that bare spot going all around the kitchen, that is where the chair rail will go! Hence why it doesn't look finished~! LOL

This week, we will hopefully get the new appliances installed, new doors put in, and I am crossing my fingers that the electrician shows up to do
all the electrical fans, lights, etc. HOPE HOPE HOPE!!! Kyle wants to come RIGHT NOW, so I am anxious to get it done, and get our butts moved in! Tell me whatcha think folks, don't be shy!

Pictures of my little man

These are some newer pics, from the last few weeks. Rowan talking to Dad on the phone, asleep in the car, and playing with a KFC bucket! LOL So, I know it looks like he is always wearing the t-shirts with the silly sayings on them...but rest assured, they are his play clothes! :-) Seems like the cutest pics happen when he is playing, naked, or just wearing some bummy clothes!

As always, leave comments...and tell this Mama how cute her baby bear is! Hehe

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