Monday, June 30, 2008
Hardly functioning!
It has been one heck of a long, busy day, and I am so ready to curl up in bed and just pass out!!! Ro had his doctor's appointment in Springfield today. Afterwards, we did a little shopping. Then we headed to OG for lunch with my mom and sis, I ran home, took Ro to my aunt's house, ran Autumn back home, headed to the there right at 2:00. In a nutshell, I closed on the house today!!! It is officially OUR HOUSE!!!!! WOOHOO I have a lot to do to it before I start moving stuff in, so it is going to keep me hoppin', I'm sure! Sorry to be short, but I am so tired!!!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
LOOKY AT WHAT I JUST FOUND!!! FREE DIAPERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The following was found at, and I am super excited to try this out!!! Generic diapers, never been a huge fan...but for FREE! Okay, where do I sign???
There is going to be an awesome deal coming up at Walgreens for the week of June 29th that will get you free Walgreens brand diapers.On June 29 the new sales ad will start. Walgreens brand Jumbo packages of diapers (both the white and red packages) will be on sale for $5.99 each. In the July Easysaver booklet there will be a coupon in there for $5 off 2 packages of Walgreens diapers. This coupon will automaticallyadjust itself and give you 2.50 each package you buy. This booklet will be available in stores starting June 27th.You also need to go to the pharmacy and ask for a $50 Walgreens savings booklet. These booklets are free to anyone who asks about the newprescription savings plan. You don't have to buy the savings plan justask about it and get the booklet. Many employees don't know where thebooklets are so insist that someone who does know get one for you. They are a white and red booklet that is folded over 3 times and contains various Walgreens coupons for their store brand items. One of the coupons inside that book is for $2 off one package of Walgreens branddiapers. This coupon automatically scans for $2 off each package you buy.Both of the above coupons are Walgreens store coupons. You can combine them for the same purchase. All you have to do is present them to the cashier and they both scan fine. Also since both are store coupons the cashier will not need them for their drawer like a regular coupon. Shescans them and you can keep them for future purchases. So hang on to them both! Even though they may say limit one they scan and give you the adjusted amount off for each package you buy.During the entire month from June 27th until July 28th Walgreens has another deal where you buy any 3 listed products (this deal is advertised in the Easysaver coupon & rebate booklet) you will get a $5 Register Reward Coupon for anything on your next purchase. WalgreensJumbo diapers are one of the qualifying products.So this is how to maximize the deal and get FREE Diapers! Remember for the week of June 29th!Buy three packages of Walgreens brand Jumbo diapers (white or red package) for $5.99 each on sale. Your total will be $17.97. Give the cashier your Easysaver coupon in the Easysaver booklet for $5 off when you buy two packages. Remember this will give you 2.50 off each package for a total off of $7.50 Your total now will be $10.47. Now give the cashier your $2 coupon that is inside the Pharmacy coupon booklet. This will give you $6 off total. Now your total will be $4.47You need to pay the $4.47. After you pay you will recieve a coupon from the coupon machine next to the register for $5 off your next purchase of almost anything. This makes the diapers FREE in essence.This deal is unlimited! But there are a few tricks to get the mostout of it. Do not buy more than 3 packages in one transaction. If you buy 6 packages you will not recieve two $5 Register coupons. So only buy 3 at a time.Remember to keep your two coupons for each additional purchase you make. The cashiers do not need to keep them since they are store coupons and the register automatically keeps track of how many are used.When you get your $5 Register coupon DO NOT use it to help pay for your second transaction of more diapers. This will void out you getting another $5 coupon. The only way to get a $5 register coupon for each transaction is to pay with cash, debit, credit or giftcard. Just save all your register coupons.The pharmacy coupon booklets are available now. So if you want to get that early go ahead. The July Easysaver booklet that has the $5 diaper coupon will not be available until June 27th. The sale price does not start until June 29th. So get yourself together and ready to do this deal for the week of June 29th.
There is going to be an awesome deal coming up at Walgreens for the week of June 29th that will get you free Walgreens brand diapers.On June 29 the new sales ad will start. Walgreens brand Jumbo packages of diapers (both the white and red packages) will be on sale for $5.99 each. In the July Easysaver booklet there will be a coupon in there for $5 off 2 packages of Walgreens diapers. This coupon will automaticallyadjust itself and give you 2.50 each package you buy. This booklet will be available in stores starting June 27th.You also need to go to the pharmacy and ask for a $50 Walgreens savings booklet. These booklets are free to anyone who asks about the newprescription savings plan. You don't have to buy the savings plan justask about it and get the booklet. Many employees don't know where thebooklets are so insist that someone who does know get one for you. They are a white and red booklet that is folded over 3 times and contains various Walgreens coupons for their store brand items. One of the coupons inside that book is for $2 off one package of Walgreens branddiapers. This coupon automatically scans for $2 off each package you buy.Both of the above coupons are Walgreens store coupons. You can combine them for the same purchase. All you have to do is present them to the cashier and they both scan fine. Also since both are store coupons the cashier will not need them for their drawer like a regular coupon. Shescans them and you can keep them for future purchases. So hang on to them both! Even though they may say limit one they scan and give you the adjusted amount off for each package you buy.During the entire month from June 27th until July 28th Walgreens has another deal where you buy any 3 listed products (this deal is advertised in the Easysaver coupon & rebate booklet) you will get a $5 Register Reward Coupon for anything on your next purchase. WalgreensJumbo diapers are one of the qualifying products.So this is how to maximize the deal and get FREE Diapers! Remember for the week of June 29th!Buy three packages of Walgreens brand Jumbo diapers (white or red package) for $5.99 each on sale. Your total will be $17.97. Give the cashier your Easysaver coupon in the Easysaver booklet for $5 off when you buy two packages. Remember this will give you 2.50 off each package for a total off of $7.50 Your total now will be $10.47. Now give the cashier your $2 coupon that is inside the Pharmacy coupon booklet. This will give you $6 off total. Now your total will be $4.47You need to pay the $4.47. After you pay you will recieve a coupon from the coupon machine next to the register for $5 off your next purchase of almost anything. This makes the diapers FREE in essence.This deal is unlimited! But there are a few tricks to get the mostout of it. Do not buy more than 3 packages in one transaction. If you buy 6 packages you will not recieve two $5 Register coupons. So only buy 3 at a time.Remember to keep your two coupons for each additional purchase you make. The cashiers do not need to keep them since they are store coupons and the register automatically keeps track of how many are used.When you get your $5 Register coupon DO NOT use it to help pay for your second transaction of more diapers. This will void out you getting another $5 coupon. The only way to get a $5 register coupon for each transaction is to pay with cash, debit, credit or giftcard. Just save all your register coupons.The pharmacy coupon booklets are available now. So if you want to get that early go ahead. The July Easysaver booklet that has the $5 diaper coupon will not be available until June 27th. The sale price does not start until June 29th. So get yourself together and ready to do this deal for the week of June 29th.
My Huggies Rebates!!!
I was so thrilled today, when I went to check the mail, I got TWO $5 checks from Huggies! This is for the Huggies offer, buy 3 Huggie's items on one receipt, get $5 back in cash! WOOHOO That is TEN WHOLE dollars, and I will be using it for my next Huggie's purchase...Lord knows, I buy a LOT of Huggie's! HEHE
Mad house at Old Navy
I decided to go ahead and go to Spfld today; I thought I would hit up Old Navy for the $1 flip flops, and check out some stuff for the house. Let me just say, OLD NAVY WAS FREAKING CRAZY!!! Thank God for small feet, otherwise I would have been SOL!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Baby bug in the bath tub, 06-27-08
Today's video: Rowan discovers the miracle of I never put him in the tub while the water is running, for fear that he will want to turn it on himself. But tonight, against my better judgement, I let him see "where water comes from". Judging by his reaction, I believe I may have started something...and NOT a good something! It was too cute not to get a video of though, so enjoy!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
WOW WHAT A DAY!!!!!!!!!!
I have had one heck of a busy one today. Yesterday, while I was driving to Spfld, Rowan's doctor called to schedule his appointment with the radiologist. They scheduled it for 10:00 on Monday morning, the same day and time of our closing! I called the realtor to see if we could reschedule the closing on the house, which she took care of for me. Then the bank called with a few questions about the loan, so I talked to him for a while about what was going on. He gave me a list of things that needed to be done. I had a lot on my list.
I called the bank back with LOTS of questions, which I got answers for...some good, some not so good...basically, our interest rate is higher than we hoped, so our payments are also higher........
I had to go and set up our insurance for the house, which is a bit more than I had planned on....strike TWO.
I called Ameren IP to get our gas and electric switched over on the 30th, and found out that the average monthly bill is more than the selling realtor told me...strike THREE
I went to the water company and filled out the application to also have the water switched over on the 30th.
I went to check the mail, hoping for something from my husband...nothing was there...what strike am I up to??? I did get bills...more medical bills, one that I have already paid! I called the doctor's office, and they said they never received the payment...called the bank, never cleared...ARGH
So, I called Tricare and asked why I am paying a 20% copay with Jamie being deployed. I was literally on the phone with them for about 3 hours, talking to DEERS too. I am beyond frustrated at this point. Even though Jamie IS in Iraq, and IS ACTIVE DUTY until 2013, because we are not "in a prime area", we would have to travel to Louisiana, MO to get full coverage on our medical expenses. I'm pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!!! Is it MY problem that there is no military medical facility nearby? FREAKKKKKKKKKK!!!! I really am pissed.
Then I called the IRS, 28 minutes on HOLD...thanks assholes! I asked them why I have not received our tax refund, and they said, well, you didn't have the correct form for the educational credit, so we mailed it back to you. I said, "I NEVER RECEIVED IT!" Hmmm. they sent it to our GERMANY address on April 9th, AFTER JAMIE LEFT FOR IRAQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because of their mistake, I had to run to H&R Block and REDO our taxes, and REDO our change of address form.
I am so frustrated today. Can we start lining people up so I can kick some ass? I really need to. I am so concerned with all of the expenses, I could literally just cry...and have been for most of the damn day. So, our house payment will be more, our utilities will be more, and the freakin' Army, once again, will not take care of their people. GO FIGURE
Anyone else wanna piss me off? It seems to be the day to do it, so come on!!! I could go more into detail, but I don't want goodnight I had a lot on my list.
I called the bank back with LOTS of questions, which I got answers for...some good, some not so good...basically, our interest rate is higher than we hoped, so our payments are also higher........
I had to go and set up our insurance for the house, which is a bit more than I had planned on....strike TWO.
I called Ameren IP to get our gas and electric switched over on the 30th, and found out that the average monthly bill is more than the selling realtor told me...strike THREE
I went to the water company and filled out the application to also have the water switched over on the 30th.
I went to check the mail, hoping for something from my husband...nothing was there...what strike am I up to??? I did get bills...more medical bills, one that I have already paid! I called the doctor's office, and they said they never received the payment...called the bank, never cleared...ARGH
So, I called Tricare and asked why I am paying a 20% copay with Jamie being deployed. I was literally on the phone with them for about 3 hours, talking to DEERS too. I am beyond frustrated at this point. Even though Jamie IS in Iraq, and IS ACTIVE DUTY until 2013, because we are not "in a prime area", we would have to travel to Louisiana, MO to get full coverage on our medical expenses. I'm pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!!! Is it MY problem that there is no military medical facility nearby? FREAKKKKKKKKKK!!!! I really am pissed.
Then I called the IRS, 28 minutes on HOLD...thanks assholes! I asked them why I have not received our tax refund, and they said, well, you didn't have the correct form for the educational credit, so we mailed it back to you. I said, "I NEVER RECEIVED IT!" Hmmm. they sent it to our GERMANY address on April 9th, AFTER JAMIE LEFT FOR IRAQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because of their mistake, I had to run to H&R Block and REDO our taxes, and REDO our change of address form.
I am so frustrated today. Can we start lining people up so I can kick some ass? I really need to. I am so concerned with all of the expenses, I could literally just cry...and have been for most of the damn day. So, our house payment will be more, our utilities will be more, and the freakin' Army, once again, will not take care of their people. GO FIGURE
Anyone else wanna piss me off? It seems to be the day to do it, so come on!!! I could go more into detail, but I don't want goodnight
Wednesday, June 25
I didn't get to post yesterday, as Ro and I had a pretty full day. We were up and moving fairly early, and had to go to Spfld to my Uncle's burial. I thought I would do okay, not too emotional...but I proved myself to be very wrong. I did take Rowan with me, because I had nobody to watch Rowan. My sister warned me that the 21 gun salute may scare the kids, so she left hers in the car with Jeff. I, however, did take Rowan to the burial and ceremony. He kept me pretty occupied during most of it, and he did really well. He jumped at the first shot, but stayed composed through the remainder.
I however, did get pretty emotional. I was very sad for my Aunt Toshiko and cousins, Emiko and Ryan. I don't like to see other people hurting, especially when those people mean so much to me. Because it was a military service with military honors, it really got me... I won't go into what it meant to me, because I don't feel like crying anymore tonight...
Afterwards, we all met at my Aunt Kandace's house in Williamsville; we had a nice lunch and a nice time getting to visit with everyone. Jamie and her boys were there, so the three little ones kept us all entertained and moving! LOL
I however, did get pretty emotional. I was very sad for my Aunt Toshiko and cousins, Emiko and Ryan. I don't like to see other people hurting, especially when those people mean so much to me. Because it was a military service with military honors, it really got me... I won't go into what it meant to me, because I don't feel like crying anymore tonight...
Afterwards, we all met at my Aunt Kandace's house in Williamsville; we had a nice lunch and a nice time getting to visit with everyone. Jamie and her boys were there, so the three little ones kept us all entertained and moving! LOL
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Rowan's dr apt.
So, today Rowan went to see the eating specialist. She was SUPER nice, really good with Rowan, and made him feel so comfortable. She administered food to him; first apple sauce, then a cereal bar, and then gold fish crackers. She also gave him some juice. There was little evidence of his choking during the feeding, of course; however, when he started to caugh (as if to be choking), she thought that was uncommon. Not sure I understand that, but she is the dr...
She listened to him swallow the food, and observed how he manipulated the food in his mouth. She said he does fine with the food while it is in his mouth, it is after that that there is a problem... She is referring him to get radiology done, to take pics of what is going on WHILE he is eating. Basically, she explained that it could be a number of things.
1. It could be that he is just prone to choking b/c of not chewing/swallowing well
2. His esophagus could have some type of abnormality or underdevelopment
3. He could have some type of unknown allergy that is causing his esophagus or throat to swell up while he is eating.
Personally, I am hoping for the first one! Although, I am not sure how we will correct it? We will be hearing from her soon so that we know what to do from here. Next step, radiology...if that comes back okay, then he will get tested for allergies. This is a very BRIEF summary of all that she told me today. Until then, I am to be very selective of what I give him...
She listened to him swallow the food, and observed how he manipulated the food in his mouth. She said he does fine with the food while it is in his mouth, it is after that that there is a problem... She is referring him to get radiology done, to take pics of what is going on WHILE he is eating. Basically, she explained that it could be a number of things.
1. It could be that he is just prone to choking b/c of not chewing/swallowing well
2. His esophagus could have some type of abnormality or underdevelopment
3. He could have some type of unknown allergy that is causing his esophagus or throat to swell up while he is eating.
Personally, I am hoping for the first one! Although, I am not sure how we will correct it? We will be hearing from her soon so that we know what to do from here. Next step, radiology...if that comes back okay, then he will get tested for allergies. This is a very BRIEF summary of all that she told me today. Until then, I am to be very selective of what I give him...
Rowan's dr. apt.
Thank you to everyone who has left messages, emails, etc. concerning Ro's apt. today. I will put up information about it later this evening.
So, my trip to Spfld was a success, here is what I got:
Pampers Value Box- 19.99
Pampers Value Box- 19.99
Pampers Sensitive wipes 210 count - 5.99
Pampers Sensitive wipes 210 Count - 5.99
Huggies Little Swimmers - 9.99
TOTAL retail price: 61.95
-5.00 (target coupon Pampers)
-5.00 (target coupon Pampers)
-3.00 (target coupon Pampers)
-3.00 (target coupon Pampers)
-1.50 (target coupon little swimmers Huggies)
-5.00 (target GC coupon)
-5.00 (target GC coupon)
savings: $27.50
GET YOUR COUPONS BY CLICKING HERE: Scroll down the page, to the Target deals. She has a link that takes you to the coupons page. I reccommend using this page because it is simple to follow the directions, and you can print as many as you want without wasting paper!!!
My Target let me use the two $5.00 Gift Card coupons in THIS transaction, which ended up saving me more today! I had planned on using them in two different transactions. If I had it to do over again, I would have used the two GC's in the transaction and NOT bought the little swimmers. My thought was this: I would use the second $5 GC and the $1.50 coupon on the swimmers, leaving my cost at $3.50 for 18 swim diapers... Oh well, still not too bad, and we were out of swimmers anyway...we do a lot of swimming around here!!!
The coupon for the FREE Thomas toy was not valid; they had issued a NEW one as of this morning, but my Toys R Us let me go ahead and get the free toy.
Thomas toy retail price $12.99
Coupon -12.99
I had to pay tax, which came to $1.01.
Pampers Value Box- 19.99
Pampers Value Box- 19.99
Pampers Sensitive wipes 210 count - 5.99
Pampers Sensitive wipes 210 Count - 5.99
Huggies Little Swimmers - 9.99
TOTAL retail price: 61.95
-5.00 (target coupon Pampers)
-5.00 (target coupon Pampers)
-3.00 (target coupon Pampers)
-3.00 (target coupon Pampers)
-1.50 (target coupon little swimmers Huggies)
-5.00 (target GC coupon)
-5.00 (target GC coupon)
savings: $27.50
GET YOUR COUPONS BY CLICKING HERE: Scroll down the page, to the Target deals. She has a link that takes you to the coupons page. I reccommend using this page because it is simple to follow the directions, and you can print as many as you want without wasting paper!!!
My Target let me use the two $5.00 Gift Card coupons in THIS transaction, which ended up saving me more today! I had planned on using them in two different transactions. If I had it to do over again, I would have used the two GC's in the transaction and NOT bought the little swimmers. My thought was this: I would use the second $5 GC and the $1.50 coupon on the swimmers, leaving my cost at $3.50 for 18 swim diapers... Oh well, still not too bad, and we were out of swimmers anyway...we do a lot of swimming around here!!!
The coupon for the FREE Thomas toy was not valid; they had issued a NEW one as of this morning, but my Toys R Us let me go ahead and get the free toy.
Thomas toy retail price $12.99
Coupon -12.99
I had to pay tax, which came to $1.01.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Our day in pictures
Well, I have a lot of really cute pics from today, but blogger will not let me upload them!!! ARGH!!!!!!! We had a lot of fun today; Rowan and I took the wagon for a spin, he ate pineapple and LOVED IT!!! I went on a cooking and baking spree, and turns out Rowan really loves cheese sauce and brownie batter! LOL He was COVERED in chocolate...I let him help me bake brownies; it was messy, but super fun for both of us! He is eating like a champ again! Scrambled eggs and chex for breakfast; pears, mixed veggies, tator tots and tortellini for lunch; dinner was peaches, mixed veggies, and hamburger/small shells/cheese sauce casserole...which he LOVED! Snacks were normal and typical, fruit, cereals, etc. We played outside a lot today, Ro's fave thing to do!
Tomorrow is the doctor's apt. I'll update ya tomorrow on how this turns out!!!
Tomorrow is the doctor's apt. I'll update ya tomorrow on how this turns out!!!
Nothing makes me happier than finding a great deal on diapers (okay, maybe SOME things! LOL), and thanks to my wonderful and WISE sister, I found a great deal!!! She informed me of this wonderful website,, where I can always find the best deals on diapers each week. I seem to spend a good bulk of our budget on diapers every week, so I am constantly looking for good times to stock up.
This week, there is a wonderful deal at Target. As I have often said, I will not make a special trip to Springfield in search of a good deal. However, tomorrow Rowan has his appointment with the eating specialist in Springfield, so I am attempting to make the most of my gas money! LOL I will be stopping at Toys R Us to get my FREE Thomas toy, and then will hit Target.
You can see more about the Target diaper deals at the above listed website, but here is what I will do.
Target has Pampers Big Packs for $19.99 and Pampers Sensitive Wipes for $7.99. When you buy BOTH in one transaction, you will get a $5 gift card to use on a future purchase. Also, I have a coupon for $5 off purchase of both Pampers diapers and wipes, as well as a $3 off coupon for both. SOOOO...
one Pampers Big Pack $19.99
One sensitive Wipes box $7.99
TOTAL $27.99
- $5 coupon
- $3 coupon
- $5 GC
TOTAL $19.98
I will then turn around and use the $5 gift card on my next transaction. For two boxes of Pampers diapers and two boxes of wipes, I will spend $34.96, and have another $5 gift certificate...too bad they probably won't let me use the GC during that transaction!
I may find some more coupons, which would be fantastic!!! Jamie, if you know of a better way to do this, please let me know. Normally I prefer Huggies, but I can't pass this one up!
This week, there is a wonderful deal at Target. As I have often said, I will not make a special trip to Springfield in search of a good deal. However, tomorrow Rowan has his appointment with the eating specialist in Springfield, so I am attempting to make the most of my gas money! LOL I will be stopping at Toys R Us to get my FREE Thomas toy, and then will hit Target.
You can see more about the Target diaper deals at the above listed website, but here is what I will do.
Target has Pampers Big Packs for $19.99 and Pampers Sensitive Wipes for $7.99. When you buy BOTH in one transaction, you will get a $5 gift card to use on a future purchase. Also, I have a coupon for $5 off purchase of both Pampers diapers and wipes, as well as a $3 off coupon for both. SOOOO...
one Pampers Big Pack $19.99
One sensitive Wipes box $7.99
TOTAL $27.99
- $5 coupon
- $3 coupon
- $5 GC
TOTAL $19.98
I will then turn around and use the $5 gift card on my next transaction. For two boxes of Pampers diapers and two boxes of wipes, I will spend $34.96, and have another $5 gift certificate...too bad they probably won't let me use the GC during that transaction!
I may find some more coupons, which would be fantastic!!! Jamie, if you know of a better way to do this, please let me know. Normally I prefer Huggies, but I can't pass this one up!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Late night???
AND ROWAN IS AWAKE!!! It is 9:00, little off schedule? Yes indeed! It's past his bed time, and IS my bed time...
UHOH.....I'm searching for deals!
Okay, so, with all of the expenses and basic living needs increasing, I have been trying extra hard to find ways to cut back on spending. My sister, Jamie, has a lot of tips for me (THANKS JAMIE!!!). Jamie got into coupon and bargain shopping this year, and I have been trying to learn from her. However, being in Jville is much different that being in Spfld! We don't have so much to choose from, and I certainly would be silly to drive to Spfld to get some good deals! LOL
With Rowan going to bed SO early tonight, I have had some time to look for some good deals this week. I have yet to find any for diapers, so if anyone out there knows of any sales, deals, coupons, please pass them my way!!! I did find a couple of things, so here they are:
CLICK HERE for a coupon for a FREE Thomas Train toy *up to $12.99 value* at Toys R Us.
Scroll down the page for the coupon!!!
Rowan is not into Thomas the Train, but my nephew is!!!
Old Navy has flip flops for only ONE DOLLAR on June 28th ONLY!!!
I love flip flops, and usually wait until the end of the season to buy mine. For only $1, if I am in Spfld that day, I will stock up for next year!!! :-)
Those are the only ones I have come across that I may use. I try to be good about what coupons I print out. If I don't need it, even if it IS free or at minimal cost, I don't get it...Even if it is one cent, if I don't need it, that is a penny spent instead of a penny saved!
Hope some of you can use these!
With Rowan going to bed SO early tonight, I have had some time to look for some good deals this week. I have yet to find any for diapers, so if anyone out there knows of any sales, deals, coupons, please pass them my way!!! I did find a couple of things, so here they are:
CLICK HERE for a coupon for a FREE Thomas Train toy *up to $12.99 value* at Toys R Us.
Scroll down the page for the coupon!!!
Rowan is not into Thomas the Train, but my nephew is!!!
Old Navy has flip flops for only ONE DOLLAR on June 28th ONLY!!!
I love flip flops, and usually wait until the end of the season to buy mine. For only $1, if I am in Spfld that day, I will stock up for next year!!! :-)
Those are the only ones I have come across that I may use. I try to be good about what coupons I print out. If I don't need it, even if it IS free or at minimal cost, I don't get it...Even if it is one cent, if I don't need it, that is a penny spent instead of a penny saved!
Hope some of you can use these!
Slow Sunday
Today we didn't do much. We have a lot going on this coming week, so we hung low. We went to Walmart to get a few things for dinner, and I made some dinner when we got home...I let Rowan dig into some corn on the cob, so I had to get some pics! This was his first attempt, and he did fairly well with it!
Rowan had a short nap today, and unknowingly, I put him to bed WAY EARLY!!! I thought it was 8:00, but apparently the clock was wrong! He went right to sleep for me, let's just hope he doesn't wake up in an hour...fingers crossed!
I haven't talked to my hubby in forever, and I miss him SO MUCH!!! I cannot WAIT to see him in August...come home soon babe!
The Lipscomb family reunion was today in WV, and I am a bit bummed that we didn't get to go. With gas prices as high as they are, we won't be doing any traveling this summer. Who can afford it? Going to Chillicothe yesterday cost me nearly $80 in gas, and I just can't do it! Those of you on a limited income, single income, please give me tips! I just do not see how anyone can afford to do anything, and it is really too bad. I haven't even seen Kyle since March; it's a 3 hour drive one way. Jamie and I hope to trade in my Jeep within the next 18 months. Hopefully we will be able to do so; trade in value on SUV's are not good...not at all! With one income, and that income being MILITARY, we will probably keep the Jeep until it literally falls apart on us! You know what though, others have it a lot worse...and I wouldn't even THINK of trading except that I only get 16 MPG with the Jeep, otherwise it has been good to us!
That's it folks, nighty night!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Hi folks! What a beautiful day we had here, huh? GORGEOUS! I am getting spoiled with all this sunshine! :-)
So, I just want to say a couple of things before I retire for the night. I am blessed. I am so lucky. I have such amazing friends, and my family is wonderful. The support that I get from all of you is overwhelming at times. I don't know what I did to have such a wonderful group of people around me, but I appreciate it!!!!!!!
I know that life is not perfect, and mine is no exception. There are things that I would change, starting with my hubby being home. I miss him so much, and I hate it that he isn't here to watch our beautiful, perfect, gorgeous, sweetheart right now. This is time we will never get back. I can't complain though! I have so much to be thankful for, and to all of you who are there for me daily, my gratitude cannot be enough. All of my dreams have come true; God has blessed me beyond my wildest is good, life is GREAT!!!
Family, friends, (you know who you are) I love you...and I thank you endlessly for everything you do and have done for my family and me. MUAH MUAH MUAH
Smiles, loves and ultimate gratitude
So, I just want to say a couple of things before I retire for the night. I am blessed. I am so lucky. I have such amazing friends, and my family is wonderful. The support that I get from all of you is overwhelming at times. I don't know what I did to have such a wonderful group of people around me, but I appreciate it!!!!!!!
I know that life is not perfect, and mine is no exception. There are things that I would change, starting with my hubby being home. I miss him so much, and I hate it that he isn't here to watch our beautiful, perfect, gorgeous, sweetheart right now. This is time we will never get back. I can't complain though! I have so much to be thankful for, and to all of you who are there for me daily, my gratitude cannot be enough. All of my dreams have come true; God has blessed me beyond my wildest is good, life is GREAT!!!
Family, friends, (you know who you are) I love you...and I thank you endlessly for everything you do and have done for my family and me. MUAH MUAH MUAH
Smiles, loves and ultimate gratitude
Friday, June 20, 2008
My eyes are so sore, so I hope I am up to looking at a computer screen for a while. I have a lot to say tonight, just random goodness of course. Today has been a good day, and a bad day, all rolled up into one...
I am on a mission to fill my new house. ONLY TEN MORE DAYS UNTIL WE CLOSE AND CAN START MOVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, people, you have no idea how good it feels! I have dreamed of owning our own home for all my life, and it is finally a dream realized. It feels wonderful! I wish we had our belongings here instead of having them in Germany, but I am coping. Fortunately, I have had a lot of help, and am slowly accumulating items to put into our house. I have been looking in the papers for some things that we still do not have, have went to garage sales, looked around for bargains, etc. Most things I don't mind doing without, I can make do. However, I am in desperate search of a living room sofa (I would like to fill it, ya with tables too?, but just a sofa would be sufficient at this point!), and a dining room table...oh, and a mattress and box spring for Kyle's full size bed. Those are my main concerns at this point. (ANYONE LOOKING TO GET RID OF ANY OF THESE ITEMS, SHOOT ME A MESSAGE, OKAY???)Once I find these items, I am sure I will move onto more items that we need, but these are the major things we are still without. We have family coming to visit in August, and I sure do not want to have an empty house! LOL I am not picky, I am not looking for brand new items by any means. We have new furniture in Germany that I LOVE!!! Jamie and I busted our butts to save money for new furniture, and I love it!!! Oh well, I am going to have to suck it up for now, right? I thought I could just go and find some stuff at garage sales, but it is all so dirty looking...and so expensive! I may just be watching tv from the floor; I'll throw down some pillows or something! HAHA At least Rowan will have fun, and it will allow for more room for his TOYS!!! HAHA
I really need to go and see the house again...I miss it! LOL Truly, it is an amazing house!!! I absolutely love it, and I can't wait to make it HOME!!! It feels so wonderful to know that Rowan has a HOME, a place he will remember growing up in. It's a dream come true for us. There is not a whole lot that I want to change, but I do want to get my hands dirty and do some painting! WOOHOO I have the colors picked out, just need to go get it and get started.
I also want to get up to Target and get a few necessities: trash cans, cleaning supplies, shower curtain, things like that. Lord, I am getting heartburn thinking about it.............honestly, stresses me out! Because the Army is still paying for our house in Germany, our house payment, taxes, insurance and utilities will be coming out of Jamie's paycheck...we struggle as it is, so I am very stressed about making it work. Oh, and then add to it that Jamie got demoted...God is good though, and I know that we will make it work. Am I rambling? I believe that I am!
So, to prevent me from having a heart attack, let's change the subject. Tomorrow is Autumn's reception in Peoria!!! I am anxious to see everyone. I have NO clean clothes, so I am currently doing laundry. I don't know what time we will leave here tomorrow, pry early afternoon, which is right at Ro's nap time...YIKES!!! Could get ugly folks. I should be getting things ready for tomorrow. Ro is in bed, but not asleep. I need a shower. Do I complain a lot? SOmetimes I feel like I do. Yeah, I am totally rambling now!
So, Jamie called yesterday. I won't get to talk to him for quite a while, and that bums me out. He is on some mission or something, I don't know really. I worry about him a lot. He is the love of my life, so I guess I should worry, right?
Uhm, what else! Well, I will get to see my Kyle bug soon!!! I haven't seen him since March, so I am overdue for some Kyle time! He's such a good boy; I am very blessed.
As far as today, I went to a few garage sales, found a few little things for the house. I also filled Ro's pool and let him play outside in it for the afternoon. We had FUN!
I haven't heard anything more about Uncle Ron's services. I have had a few moments today that I got pretty bummed about it. It's life, it's what happens, but it still hurts when it does. When i lose someone, I can't help but think of life. I mean, there are so many people that are so important to me, and I cannot imagine life for a single second without them. Okay, I am starting to cry, and my eyes already hurt...I can't talk about this yet. But, let me say this...I really miss my Deeva. It is going to be really weird to move into our house without her. I keep thinking this over and over and over................
My eyes are so sore, so I hope I am up to looking at a computer screen for a while. I have a lot to say tonight, just random goodness of course. Today has been a good day, and a bad day, all rolled up into one...
I am on a mission to fill my new house. ONLY TEN MORE DAYS UNTIL WE CLOSE AND CAN START MOVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, people, you have no idea how good it feels! I have dreamed of owning our own home for all my life, and it is finally a dream realized. It feels wonderful! I wish we had our belongings here instead of having them in Germany, but I am coping. Fortunately, I have had a lot of help, and am slowly accumulating items to put into our house. I have been looking in the papers for some things that we still do not have, have went to garage sales, looked around for bargains, etc. Most things I don't mind doing without, I can make do. However, I am in desperate search of a living room sofa (I would like to fill it, ya with tables too?, but just a sofa would be sufficient at this point!), and a dining room table...oh, and a mattress and box spring for Kyle's full size bed. Those are my main concerns at this point. (ANYONE LOOKING TO GET RID OF ANY OF THESE ITEMS, SHOOT ME A MESSAGE, OKAY???)Once I find these items, I am sure I will move onto more items that we need, but these are the major things we are still without. We have family coming to visit in August, and I sure do not want to have an empty house! LOL I am not picky, I am not looking for brand new items by any means. We have new furniture in Germany that I LOVE!!! Jamie and I busted our butts to save money for new furniture, and I love it!!! Oh well, I am going to have to suck it up for now, right? I thought I could just go and find some stuff at garage sales, but it is all so dirty looking...and so expensive! I may just be watching tv from the floor; I'll throw down some pillows or something! HAHA At least Rowan will have fun, and it will allow for more room for his TOYS!!! HAHA
I really need to go and see the house again...I miss it! LOL Truly, it is an amazing house!!! I absolutely love it, and I can't wait to make it HOME!!! It feels so wonderful to know that Rowan has a HOME, a place he will remember growing up in. It's a dream come true for us. There is not a whole lot that I want to change, but I do want to get my hands dirty and do some painting! WOOHOO I have the colors picked out, just need to go get it and get started.
I also want to get up to Target and get a few necessities: trash cans, cleaning supplies, shower curtain, things like that. Lord, I am getting heartburn thinking about it.............honestly, stresses me out! Because the Army is still paying for our house in Germany, our house payment, taxes, insurance and utilities will be coming out of Jamie's paycheck...we struggle as it is, so I am very stressed about making it work. Oh, and then add to it that Jamie got demoted...God is good though, and I know that we will make it work. Am I rambling? I believe that I am!
So, to prevent me from having a heart attack, let's change the subject. Tomorrow is Autumn's reception in Peoria!!! I am anxious to see everyone. I have NO clean clothes, so I am currently doing laundry. I don't know what time we will leave here tomorrow, pry early afternoon, which is right at Ro's nap time...YIKES!!! Could get ugly folks. I should be getting things ready for tomorrow. Ro is in bed, but not asleep. I need a shower. Do I complain a lot? SOmetimes I feel like I do. Yeah, I am totally rambling now!
So, Jamie called yesterday. I won't get to talk to him for quite a while, and that bums me out. He is on some mission or something, I don't know really. I worry about him a lot. He is the love of my life, so I guess I should worry, right?
Uhm, what else! Well, I will get to see my Kyle bug soon!!! I haven't seen him since March, so I am overdue for some Kyle time! He's such a good boy; I am very blessed.
As far as today, I went to a few garage sales, found a few little things for the house. I also filled Ro's pool and let him play outside in it for the afternoon. We had FUN!
I haven't heard anything more about Uncle Ron's services. I have had a few moments today that I got pretty bummed about it. It's life, it's what happens, but it still hurts when it does. When i lose someone, I can't help but think of life. I mean, there are so many people that are so important to me, and I cannot imagine life for a single second without them. Okay, I am starting to cry, and my eyes already hurt...I can't talk about this yet. But, let me say this...I really miss my Deeva. It is going to be really weird to move into our house without her. I keep thinking this over and over and over................
Sad night
Last night I went to the second class and learned all about first aid. It covered a LOT of different situations, so it was very informative!!! I feel very enlightened.
When I got home, I saw that I had missed a call from my cousin, Catie. I called her back, and expected to hear some kind of update on our Uncle Ron. He was hospitalized the other day; he's been fighting cancer and putting up one heck of a fight. Catie informed me that he had passed away, and I really was shocked. I did not expect to hear that news. I guess the first thought that went through my head was just empathy for his family. His wife, our Aunt Toshiko, has been right there by his side, supporting him every step of the way. I can't image the loss for her. They have two grown children, Emi and Ryan, and Emi has two small children, Keiko and Curtis. My heart aches for all of them.
The second thought was a little difficult to handle. Uncle Ron is the first aunt/uncle on either side of my family that has passed away. It is hard, I won't even lie. To think that they are my parents generation, that hurts!!! I am just praying for all of the loved ones he leaves behind. Last night I made several phone calls to family, and although I tried not to, I couldn't help but cry. I don't know what the funeral and burial plans are at this point.......
Anyway, it is Friday, and I will write more later.
When I got home, I saw that I had missed a call from my cousin, Catie. I called her back, and expected to hear some kind of update on our Uncle Ron. He was hospitalized the other day; he's been fighting cancer and putting up one heck of a fight. Catie informed me that he had passed away, and I really was shocked. I did not expect to hear that news. I guess the first thought that went through my head was just empathy for his family. His wife, our Aunt Toshiko, has been right there by his side, supporting him every step of the way. I can't image the loss for her. They have two grown children, Emi and Ryan, and Emi has two small children, Keiko and Curtis. My heart aches for all of them.
The second thought was a little difficult to handle. Uncle Ron is the first aunt/uncle on either side of my family that has passed away. It is hard, I won't even lie. To think that they are my parents generation, that hurts!!! I am just praying for all of the loved ones he leaves behind. Last night I made several phone calls to family, and although I tried not to, I couldn't help but cry. I don't know what the funeral and burial plans are at this point.......
Anyway, it is Friday, and I will write more later.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
I am certified!
I am officially a certified "rescue responder"!!! I went to the infant and child CPR class last night at the Red Cross from 6-10 PM, wayyyy past my bedtime! I feel good though; I learned a lot, and I am certainly more prepared for an emergency now. They taught a LOT of neat information, way beyond simple CPR, and it was nice to learn. Tomorrow I go back for the first aid class, and next month I am taking the adult CPR class, it covers more of the basic information. To all the moms, dads, caregivers, I HIGHLY recommend this training to you. You never know when an emergency may arise, and it is best to be able to handle any situation with confidence...just the ability to stay more "calm" will really help me.
Rowan goes to the specialist next Tuesday, so I am anxious to see what happens with that!!! I'll keep you all posted!
Rowan goes to the specialist next Tuesday, so I am anxious to see what happens with that!!! I'll keep you all posted!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Nice day!
Today was really nice. We had a few things to do, starting this morning. I took Rowan to our new house to see what he thought, and he must have felt right at home! I took him in his new room, though it is still occupied by a 13 month old little girl, and he just wanted to lie on the floor with the dog and take everything off of her shelves! LOL He ran around a lot! I had some contractors in there to do some measurements, order a new back door and check the inspector's to-do list. It all looks good, and they gave me some pointers and advice on the kitchen floor (it needs leveled). I may have them do it, and I may wait until Jamie gets home...depends on how much they want to charge me! LOL
I had errands to run afterwords, but Rowan had other plans. He wanted a NAP! So, we came home and he got a snooze. He didn't sleep too awfully long, but I did have a bit to get myself together, get some thoughts down on paper, and make a shopping list. Yep, my LIST! LOL
So, when he woke up we played for a bit, and then I got him ready to go shopping. I had to hit the grocery store for a few staple items: milk, bread, juice, eggs, pickles, cereal...ya know, the likes! LOL Moms, you get me, right? Since Ro is such a big boy now, I am attempting to not carry him so much. I let him walk from the car to the grocery store, holding my hand of course, and he did REALLY well; I was pleasantly surprised! I wiped down one of the car carts with sanitary wipes (hey those things are COVERED with nasty germs!!!), and Ro rode in the "car cart"!!! He loved it, and was such a pleasant little man! He waved at everyone that went by us and squealed in absolute delight! It was really cute.
Home Depot just happens to be right next door to the grocery store, so I decided to stop in and look at a few things. I picked out some paint for Ro's room, Kyle's room, the master bedroom, bath and kitchen! I love bold colors, I can't help myself. Also, I looked at ceiling fans and a light for the hallway. I was really enjoying myself, but Rowan started to get really cranky!!! :-( Upon leaving, I decided I needed a caffeine kick. SOOO, I got an iced mocha, that's right!
Rowan has been up a bit past bedtime, but that's okay. We have been watching "Jon and Kate plus 8", yeah Ro LOVES that show! And God bless Jon and do they do it??? Troopers, I tell ya!
So yes, Ro is in bed, and I am headed that way!
Loves and smiles
I had errands to run afterwords, but Rowan had other plans. He wanted a NAP! So, we came home and he got a snooze. He didn't sleep too awfully long, but I did have a bit to get myself together, get some thoughts down on paper, and make a shopping list. Yep, my LIST! LOL
So, when he woke up we played for a bit, and then I got him ready to go shopping. I had to hit the grocery store for a few staple items: milk, bread, juice, eggs, pickles, cereal...ya know, the likes! LOL Moms, you get me, right? Since Ro is such a big boy now, I am attempting to not carry him so much. I let him walk from the car to the grocery store, holding my hand of course, and he did REALLY well; I was pleasantly surprised! I wiped down one of the car carts with sanitary wipes (hey those things are COVERED with nasty germs!!!), and Ro rode in the "car cart"!!! He loved it, and was such a pleasant little man! He waved at everyone that went by us and squealed in absolute delight! It was really cute.
Home Depot just happens to be right next door to the grocery store, so I decided to stop in and look at a few things. I picked out some paint for Ro's room, Kyle's room, the master bedroom, bath and kitchen! I love bold colors, I can't help myself. Also, I looked at ceiling fans and a light for the hallway. I was really enjoying myself, but Rowan started to get really cranky!!! :-( Upon leaving, I decided I needed a caffeine kick. SOOO, I got an iced mocha, that's right!
Rowan has been up a bit past bedtime, but that's okay. We have been watching "Jon and Kate plus 8", yeah Ro LOVES that show! And God bless Jon and do they do it??? Troopers, I tell ya!
So yes, Ro is in bed, and I am headed that way!
Loves and smiles
IMAGE BY DESIGN, CONSUMER REPORT: Springfield, Illinois salon
Hi folks! This was sent to me by my sister-in-law, and I feel compelled to show it to the world. Having years of experience in customer service, I just cannot imagine anyone treating a client as such. Please read and take heed, also, if you would, please inform others. I think it is just appauling!!!
In My Opinion! Horrible experiencewith this establishment (Image by Design) and I WON'T EVER GO BACK!Today I am sending this email out because I am so appalled by how I was treated by Angeline Severens, the owner of this business. I felt it was worth passing the information along as a warning and a punishment for her poor behavior!
I received a $50 gift certificate over the Christmas holidays from a friend who's mother frequents this salon and recommended their services... Well after what I've been through I can honestly say that Ms. Severens couldn't have been recommended based on her couth or customer service skills! I made an appointment back in March to utilize my gift certificate for a pedicure for a late Saturday afternoon.
I had a prior commitment that morning and I set out very early so that I could complete that task well before my pedicure appointment that day... But somehow the project proved to be too large and time ran over. I suddenly realized that I was not going to be able to get all the way back to Springfield in time for my 1pm appointment. I was totally caught off guard by this fact, and was desperate to alert the salon.
I quickly telephoned Image by Design and explained that I was too far away in Glenarm, that my morning appointment had taken over and prohibited me from getting to my pedicure appointment. I apologized profusely and told the girl that I would like to reschedule if possible. She replied, noproblem, asked if I wanted to pick a new time now. I explained to her that I was not in front of my calendar and that I would have to call back on Monday. She replied that would be fine and we hung up the phone. It was not two minutes later when my cell phone rang back and I could see that the number was from the Image by Design Salon. I answered only to immediately be barked at by the owner of the salon, Angeline Severens. She was very nasty, belligerent and informed me that I had completely inconvenienced her by canceling my appointment... That she had brought on extra staff that day just to take care of this pedicure. I told her how sorry I was that my situation was out of my control and that I didn't flippantly disregard the importance of my appointment to her business day, but that I really wanted to reschedule?
That is when she said it was too bad because now the gift certificate was void! I audibly uttered WHAT, are you kidding me... I didn't even get to use it? I explained to her that the giftcertificate was given to me by an individual who's mother did Image by Design's bookkeeping and that he was going to be so upset when he heard she wasn't honoring the $50 gift card. She said she didn't care, that was her policy. I explained to her that it was not written anywhere on the card about cancellations and voided the dollar amount. She said at the bare minimum, it would be missing half of it's value. I exclaimed that she sure was making a terrible first impression on someone who had never frequented her salon before and that I had even been looking for a new place to get my hair done, but now I was certain I didn't even want to step into her salon.I told her that I was going to have to hang up the phone now before I said something I might regret! 3 months later, I have looked and looked at this gift card in my wallet and thought what a shame my friend had to lose his hard earned money over her ferous nastiness! It was just yesterday, when I had a little time to spare in my busy schedule, that I decided to give the place one last try. I knew I would have to pay for half of the pedicure, but at least the whole gift would not be a waste. So I called up and asked if they had an opening at 5:30pm. I recognized the owners voice on the phone, she replied yes they did and began to take my information. Now I did not proceed to remind her of the nasty altercation, however I did not hide any of my personal information. She asked if I had ever been there before and I replied no, she took all of my personal info as I had given it before, home address, work numbers, even what I did for a living. When she got to the part of how I heard about Image by Design I informed her that my friends mother recommended it and she even did the bookkeeping for the establishment.
She exclaimed that was all she needed and she would see me at 5:30. I got there, checked in with the owner herself. She left the counter. I exclaimed to the girl that I would be paying part with a gift card and part with a debit. She asked if I wanted to check out and I told her nobecause I may want to purchase product when I was through. I was shown back to the pedicure chair and the process began WHEN all of a sudden the owner appears hurriedly around the corner and shouts out 'WHERE DID YOU GET THIS GIFT CERTIFICATE'... She totally startled the crap out of me... I informed her that my friend (gave his name) had given it to me for Christmas. Shespouted out that is so and so's son! She turned to her worker and exclaimed 'THIS PEDICURE IS OVER... THAT GIFT CERTIFICATE WAS USED UP MONTHS AGO!' I was in complete shock. She said 'I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR ARE TRYING TO PULL HERE...BUT YOU ARE OUT.. GET OUT!' My mouth was just dropped open in total shock. I had never been treated so poorly in all my life! I asked if she was kidding – that I already knew that I would be paying for half of the pedicure and she said you won't be paying for anything because there will be no pedicure NOW GET OUT! She turned on her heal and stormed back around the corner just like that!
The poor girl who had been working on my little toes, turned sheepishly to me and said in a low whisper 'I am so sorry'... I said SO AM I! I proceeded to push my pant legs back down and return my half polished toes to my sandals and I stormed out into the main hair salon. I confronted her and told her I thought she was incredibly rude, that I couldn't believe that she served thepublic in the customer service industry and that I didn't know how she had managed to stay in business. I informed her that I would NEVER be back, that I would tell everyone how horrible she was and she spouted back 'Well I'm sure they will consider the source!'
Oh My God! Now I totally understand if an establishment, especially appointment based has a cancellation policy. But let me tell you it was NO WHERE listed on my gift card nor was it kindly explained to me back in March! My real beef here is not that I missed out on her crappy $60pedicure – what a crock! But that she was SO rude, belligerent and downright distasteful! I was appalled and embarrassed in front of all the other patrons – treated like a criminal for christ's sake!
I CHALLENGE EACH and everyone one of you to forward this on to as many people in your email address book as possible. And I totally warn you against spending any time or money with this horrid woman in this establishment! And if you do... I suggest you haveher print off the 50 page rule and stipulation book that goes along with obtaining services and not losing your money!!!
In My Opinion! Horrible experiencewith this establishment (Image by Design) and I WON'T EVER GO BACK!Today I am sending this email out because I am so appalled by how I was treated by Angeline Severens, the owner of this business. I felt it was worth passing the information along as a warning and a punishment for her poor behavior!
I received a $50 gift certificate over the Christmas holidays from a friend who's mother frequents this salon and recommended their services... Well after what I've been through I can honestly say that Ms. Severens couldn't have been recommended based on her couth or customer service skills! I made an appointment back in March to utilize my gift certificate for a pedicure for a late Saturday afternoon.
I had a prior commitment that morning and I set out very early so that I could complete that task well before my pedicure appointment that day... But somehow the project proved to be too large and time ran over. I suddenly realized that I was not going to be able to get all the way back to Springfield in time for my 1pm appointment. I was totally caught off guard by this fact, and was desperate to alert the salon.
I quickly telephoned Image by Design and explained that I was too far away in Glenarm, that my morning appointment had taken over and prohibited me from getting to my pedicure appointment. I apologized profusely and told the girl that I would like to reschedule if possible. She replied, noproblem, asked if I wanted to pick a new time now. I explained to her that I was not in front of my calendar and that I would have to call back on Monday. She replied that would be fine and we hung up the phone. It was not two minutes later when my cell phone rang back and I could see that the number was from the Image by Design Salon. I answered only to immediately be barked at by the owner of the salon, Angeline Severens. She was very nasty, belligerent and informed me that I had completely inconvenienced her by canceling my appointment... That she had brought on extra staff that day just to take care of this pedicure. I told her how sorry I was that my situation was out of my control and that I didn't flippantly disregard the importance of my appointment to her business day, but that I really wanted to reschedule?
That is when she said it was too bad because now the gift certificate was void! I audibly uttered WHAT, are you kidding me... I didn't even get to use it? I explained to her that the giftcertificate was given to me by an individual who's mother did Image by Design's bookkeeping and that he was going to be so upset when he heard she wasn't honoring the $50 gift card. She said she didn't care, that was her policy. I explained to her that it was not written anywhere on the card about cancellations and voided the dollar amount. She said at the bare minimum, it would be missing half of it's value. I exclaimed that she sure was making a terrible first impression on someone who had never frequented her salon before and that I had even been looking for a new place to get my hair done, but now I was certain I didn't even want to step into her salon.I told her that I was going to have to hang up the phone now before I said something I might regret! 3 months later, I have looked and looked at this gift card in my wallet and thought what a shame my friend had to lose his hard earned money over her ferous nastiness! It was just yesterday, when I had a little time to spare in my busy schedule, that I decided to give the place one last try. I knew I would have to pay for half of the pedicure, but at least the whole gift would not be a waste. So I called up and asked if they had an opening at 5:30pm. I recognized the owners voice on the phone, she replied yes they did and began to take my information. Now I did not proceed to remind her of the nasty altercation, however I did not hide any of my personal information. She asked if I had ever been there before and I replied no, she took all of my personal info as I had given it before, home address, work numbers, even what I did for a living. When she got to the part of how I heard about Image by Design I informed her that my friends mother recommended it and she even did the bookkeeping for the establishment.
She exclaimed that was all she needed and she would see me at 5:30. I got there, checked in with the owner herself. She left the counter. I exclaimed to the girl that I would be paying part with a gift card and part with a debit. She asked if I wanted to check out and I told her nobecause I may want to purchase product when I was through. I was shown back to the pedicure chair and the process began WHEN all of a sudden the owner appears hurriedly around the corner and shouts out 'WHERE DID YOU GET THIS GIFT CERTIFICATE'... She totally startled the crap out of me... I informed her that my friend (gave his name) had given it to me for Christmas. Shespouted out that is so and so's son! She turned to her worker and exclaimed 'THIS PEDICURE IS OVER... THAT GIFT CERTIFICATE WAS USED UP MONTHS AGO!' I was in complete shock. She said 'I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR ARE TRYING TO PULL HERE...BUT YOU ARE OUT.. GET OUT!' My mouth was just dropped open in total shock. I had never been treated so poorly in all my life! I asked if she was kidding – that I already knew that I would be paying for half of the pedicure and she said you won't be paying for anything because there will be no pedicure NOW GET OUT! She turned on her heal and stormed back around the corner just like that!
The poor girl who had been working on my little toes, turned sheepishly to me and said in a low whisper 'I am so sorry'... I said SO AM I! I proceeded to push my pant legs back down and return my half polished toes to my sandals and I stormed out into the main hair salon. I confronted her and told her I thought she was incredibly rude, that I couldn't believe that she served thepublic in the customer service industry and that I didn't know how she had managed to stay in business. I informed her that I would NEVER be back, that I would tell everyone how horrible she was and she spouted back 'Well I'm sure they will consider the source!'
Oh My God! Now I totally understand if an establishment, especially appointment based has a cancellation policy. But let me tell you it was NO WHERE listed on my gift card nor was it kindly explained to me back in March! My real beef here is not that I missed out on her crappy $60pedicure – what a crock! But that she was SO rude, belligerent and downright distasteful! I was appalled and embarrassed in front of all the other patrons – treated like a criminal for christ's sake!
I CHALLENGE EACH and everyone one of you to forward this on to as many people in your email address book as possible. And I totally warn you against spending any time or money with this horrid woman in this establishment! And if you do... I suggest you haveher print off the 50 page rule and stipulation book that goes along with obtaining services and not losing your money!!!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
It's Father's Day
Hi all,
Here it is Father's Day, and I am desperately missing my husband. I wish he were here to celebrate with. What kind of day is is for us, when we are such a distant apart? It sucks, just to be honest. As hard as it is for me, I hate to think of how Jamie must be feeling to be apart from his babies.
Please, get off the internet and go hug your husbands and daddies. Spend the time with them that we WISH we had! HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!
Here it is Father's Day, and I am desperately missing my husband. I wish he were here to celebrate with. What kind of day is is for us, when we are such a distant apart? It sucks, just to be honest. As hard as it is for me, I hate to think of how Jamie must be feeling to be apart from his babies.
Please, get off the internet and go hug your husbands and daddies. Spend the time with them that we WISH we had! HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Update on Ro
First, thanks to you all for your concern for Rowan. Your prayers are much appreciated and must be working!!! Today we have spoken to the doctor twice. She has been wonderful and wanted to know how Rowan was doing, something most doctors wouldn't take the time to concern themselves with!!!
As of early this morning, Rowan was doing really well. He slept fairly well last night. He went to sleep around 11, and I put him in his crib. At 2 he woke up and I gave him some Pedialyte, and he woke up again at 7. I put him in bed with me, gave him a drink, and he was off to sleepy land again until 9ish. His temp was way down, and he seemed to be doing fine. By 10:30, he was ready for a nap though, which in not normal for him.
His temp came back this afternoon when he woke up, and the diarrhea also reemerged! The doc called, and I let her know what was going on. I am still NOT to give him any milk or sugar for another week, and he is to only eat small doses of toast, unsalted crackers, whole grain cereal or ice chips. He can have 2 ounces of Pedialyte per hour now as well. I am to call her back on Monday to give her an update, and if he has ANY signs of dehydration, we are to go straight to the ER. He hasn't wanted anything to drink, so I am getting ready to give him some Pedialyte via a medicine syringe thingy. He did eat a piece of toast and some crackers!
As of early this morning, Rowan was doing really well. He slept fairly well last night. He went to sleep around 11, and I put him in his crib. At 2 he woke up and I gave him some Pedialyte, and he woke up again at 7. I put him in bed with me, gave him a drink, and he was off to sleepy land again until 9ish. His temp was way down, and he seemed to be doing fine. By 10:30, he was ready for a nap though, which in not normal for him.
His temp came back this afternoon when he woke up, and the diarrhea also reemerged! The doc called, and I let her know what was going on. I am still NOT to give him any milk or sugar for another week, and he is to only eat small doses of toast, unsalted crackers, whole grain cereal or ice chips. He can have 2 ounces of Pedialyte per hour now as well. I am to call her back on Monday to give her an update, and if he has ANY signs of dehydration, we are to go straight to the ER. He hasn't wanted anything to drink, so I am getting ready to give him some Pedialyte via a medicine syringe thingy. He did eat a piece of toast and some crackers!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
I called the doctor back this evening when Rowan's fever spiked to 103, and he was overly lethargic in my opinion. When he got up to try to walk, he would seem disoriented and fall down. Literally ONE OUNCE of Pedialyte was making him have the runs. When he would drink one ounce, he would lose about 5 ounces in his diapers.
The nurse on call was very nice and very helpful. She instructed me to not give him anything for the temperature, and to reduce fluids to one teaspoon every 15 minutes for two hours. If he continued to have diarrhea or was vomiting, I was to call her back immediately. She also gave me some warning signs for dehydration, and if any of these happened I was to take him to the ER immediately. Basically, I was looking for: no wet diapers (she told me to put a Kleenex in the front of his diaper to see if he was wetting), dry mouth, dry lips or hazy eyes. I have been keeping a CLOSE eye on him for the last few hours, and cut his liquids as I was told to do. He takes the Pedialyte great, and wants more, but I cannot give him more! This has been very difficult to do. Also, I have been monitoring his temperature, which as of 15 minutes ago has gone down to 100.4.
I have him in my bed tonight; he is sound asleep for now! I am hoping that he does well through the night, and I am really hoping for a wet diaper by the time I lie down for bed tonight. Please say a prayer for our little guy tonight!!! Also, if you are wondering about the Rota virus, please see this site:
The nurse on call was very nice and very helpful. She instructed me to not give him anything for the temperature, and to reduce fluids to one teaspoon every 15 minutes for two hours. If he continued to have diarrhea or was vomiting, I was to call her back immediately. She also gave me some warning signs for dehydration, and if any of these happened I was to take him to the ER immediately. Basically, I was looking for: no wet diapers (she told me to put a Kleenex in the front of his diaper to see if he was wetting), dry mouth, dry lips or hazy eyes. I have been keeping a CLOSE eye on him for the last few hours, and cut his liquids as I was told to do. He takes the Pedialyte great, and wants more, but I cannot give him more! This has been very difficult to do. Also, I have been monitoring his temperature, which as of 15 minutes ago has gone down to 100.4.
I have him in my bed tonight; he is sound asleep for now! I am hoping that he does well through the night, and I am really hoping for a wet diaper by the time I lie down for bed tonight. Please say a prayer for our little guy tonight!!! Also, if you are wondering about the Rota virus, please see this site:
My poor baby~!!!!
Okay, so Rowan woke up this morning still running a temp. of 102. I decided, after a MASSIVE diarrhea diaper, to call Dr. Milbrandt, Rowan's pediatrician. She told me that he had five red flags for an ear infection: not sleeping for more than 45 minutes at a time, tugging on his ears, not wanting to eat or drink, diarrhea and a temperature. Because his temp was over 99, which is average for teething and/or ear infection, she was a little concerned and wanted me to bring him in today.
So, when we got there, we hadn't even made it to the elevator yet, and Rowan projectile vomited all over himself and the floor. I rushed him up to get checked in, and the nurse took him to clean him up. She brought me rags, towels and a blanket to wrap him up in. While we were waiting to get him weighed, Rowan started to have diarrhea again...and I knew because of what sounded like a freight train near his rear end. AND LORD, did it ever SMELL! Between the puke and the diarrhea, it was almost unbearable! Well, they weighed him and checked his temp, which had come down to 99.8. I had given him two doses of Tylenol since talking to the doc this morning!
The doc came in and asked lots of questions, then picked him up...and he threw up again! She said he had some viral infection of the GI tract, or something like that. She is concerned about him staying hydrated mostly, and she gave him some Pedialyte right then...I am to ONLY give him Pedialyte, one ounce every two hours, NO FOOD for 36 hours and NO MILK for ONE WEEK!!!!!! I don't know how he will handle this, but I will follow her orders to keep him hydrated, whatever it takes!!! :-) We went by Walgreen's to get him some Tylenol and Pedialyte...he threw up again, and had more diarrhea. We have been home for 45 minutes, and I have already changed two diapers. I am hoping we don't end up in the hospital tonight for dehydration. Dr. Milbrandt said his mouth and lips were a little dryer than she would like, so I am to keep close eye on it through the night. Also, I am to call her tomorrow and let her know how he is doing.
I asked her about his gag reflex, and she said she didn't feel comfortable dealing with the issue, but that his choking is a concern b/c it happens so often. By Monday we will have an appointment with an eating specialist at Koke Mill who will administer food and see what he does, hopefully we will know what is causing his choking!
Productive day, and I am ready for some answers!
Loves and hugs!!!
So, when we got there, we hadn't even made it to the elevator yet, and Rowan projectile vomited all over himself and the floor. I rushed him up to get checked in, and the nurse took him to clean him up. She brought me rags, towels and a blanket to wrap him up in. While we were waiting to get him weighed, Rowan started to have diarrhea again...and I knew because of what sounded like a freight train near his rear end. AND LORD, did it ever SMELL! Between the puke and the diarrhea, it was almost unbearable! Well, they weighed him and checked his temp, which had come down to 99.8. I had given him two doses of Tylenol since talking to the doc this morning!
The doc came in and asked lots of questions, then picked him up...and he threw up again! She said he had some viral infection of the GI tract, or something like that. She is concerned about him staying hydrated mostly, and she gave him some Pedialyte right then...I am to ONLY give him Pedialyte, one ounce every two hours, NO FOOD for 36 hours and NO MILK for ONE WEEK!!!!!! I don't know how he will handle this, but I will follow her orders to keep him hydrated, whatever it takes!!! :-) We went by Walgreen's to get him some Tylenol and Pedialyte...he threw up again, and had more diarrhea. We have been home for 45 minutes, and I have already changed two diapers. I am hoping we don't end up in the hospital tonight for dehydration. Dr. Milbrandt said his mouth and lips were a little dryer than she would like, so I am to keep close eye on it through the night. Also, I am to call her tomorrow and let her know how he is doing.
I asked her about his gag reflex, and she said she didn't feel comfortable dealing with the issue, but that his choking is a concern b/c it happens so often. By Monday we will have an appointment with an eating specialist at Koke Mill who will administer food and see what he does, hopefully we will know what is causing his choking!
Productive day, and I am ready for some answers!
Loves and hugs!!!
Red Cross
Today I called the Red Cross to sign up for first aid classes. I am going to take two classes next week: the first one is called Infant & child CPR, and it deals with the Heimlich maneuver and CPR, as well as all things first aid for children and infants. The second is basic first aid, which covers just about everything: bandages, burns, broken bones, seizures, allergies, administering medicines, strokes, you name it! They are next Tuesday and Thursday from 6-9 PM, and I am very excited to get started on them!!! I want to feel well-equipped and ready for anything...moms out there you know that with children, we truly do need to be "ready for anything at any time"!!! Being alone, raising our son on my own for now, I need to know what to do in case of an emergency. With Rowan's gag reflex, and choking, I think I will really benefit from these two classes! It is $25 for the first class, and $5 for the second. At this point, I would pay 10 times this for peace of mind!!!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Still not feeling well
It is past Ro's bedtime, 10:16 PM, and he is yet to fall asleep. He has gotten spoiled this last week, as in a desperate attempt at getting some sleep myself, I let him sleep in bed with me a couple hours...just about every night! NOT GOOD ON MY PART!!!
My goal for tonight was to go through Ro's baby albums. I accidentally put his pictures in backwards in his third album, and have to redo it. I also just received almost 600 pictures from my last Snapfish order, and desperately need to get them organized and ready to put IN albums...I also need to go and get the dang albums! LOL Oh well, maybe tomorrow.
For now, I am tired, and ready for bed. Rowan is just really restless, so he may end up in my bed again tonight. I know, yell at me later, okay???
loves and smiles!
My goal for tonight was to go through Ro's baby albums. I accidentally put his pictures in backwards in his third album, and have to redo it. I also just received almost 600 pictures from my last Snapfish order, and desperately need to get them organized and ready to put IN albums...I also need to go and get the dang albums! LOL Oh well, maybe tomorrow.
For now, I am tired, and ready for bed. Rowan is just really restless, so he may end up in my bed again tonight. I know, yell at me later, okay???
loves and smiles!
My baby is sick...:-(
Today was another "relax" day; I had to run a few errands, nothing too major though. Rowan hasn't been sleeping too well for the last few days, which I attributed to his teething and the traveling (new place every night is not easy on a wee one!). Well, this afternoon, he woke up from his nap and was running a temperature of 101.4. I gave him some Children's Motrin, and he went back to sleep for a little bit, but when he woke up the temp. had not broken. He is just very sleepy and has the temp., and diarrhea, nothing too major as of yet. I am hoping the Motrin will help break this temperature before bed time tonight!!! My poor little man; it is NEVER fun to see your baby sick!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
This damn site sucks when it comes to adding a slide show, so click on the following link to view my new slide show of pictures from Neil, Ericka and Josie's visit!!!
We're back home
After a whirlwind of a week, Rowan and I arrived home early this morning. Florida was absolutely beautiful, the weather was amazing (except for the random storms and tornadoes!), the wedding was flawless!!! I would like to say it all went smoothly and perfect the whole time, and for the most part it did...however, it was a very stressful week.
Autumn, Rowan and I drove to Peoria late Tuesday evening and stayed at her parent's house. Our flight left at 6 AM on Wednesday morning. Rowan did very well on the flights, slept the entire first one in fact. When we got to Florida, we picked up our rental car and drove to Naples. The hotel we stayed in was absolutely amazing, and the staff was top notch! If ever in the area, please check out the Bellasera; it is so beautiful!!! We stayed in a three bedroom suite with Autumn's family the first two nights, then moved to a different room with all the girls the next night. That Saturday, we stayed with Autumn's cousin and her family, then we headed to Fort Myers to stay at her Grandma's neighbor's house (a rental property that was empty). Needless to say, all the moving around was a little tough to handle with Rowan, but we managed!!! :-) I didn't have time to get to the beach, which is pretty disappointing, but what do you do? We did hang out poolside most days, so I can't complain too much!!! Rowan loved the water, of course! My little fish baby!
Well, we did have a freak out moment. Rowan has always had a really sensitive gag reflex, and Saturday night during the reception, he choked on a french fry. I did all that I knew to do, and he was not getting it up. He started to turn blue and his eyes rolled back; at that moment, all Mommy instincts went out the window and I completely FREAKED OUT!!! I screamed for HELP, and I don't remember what happened after that. I was later told that an EMT came in to the reception hall, someone took Rowan from me, and Julie was able to get the french fry out of Rowan's throat by sweeping his mouth. Apparently, he had swallowed a 3 inch fry and it swelled in his throat to be about a half inch wide; he was not able to get it up, or down, and I couldn't not get it out!!! I literally do not remember what happened after I screamed, I just remember hearing him start to cry and knowing that he was okay. I can't explain the thoughts that went through my head in that moment; I truly thought that I was going to lose my son; when I turned him over and hit his back, I expected to flip him back over and he would be didn't work. I stuck my finger down his throat and couldn't feel anything!!! I am going to call today to see about getting in to some first aid classes. I lost all composure, and I couldn't help my baby...that is every mother's WORST nightmare!!!
Whew, it is good to be home!!! I am now just really anxious to get into our house!!!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Yeah, been too busy to blog! Unimaginable, right? My brother, his wife and daughter came home from Tucson, and I have been enjoying their complany! Well, now Rowan and I are leaving for Florida and won't be home until next week! Talk to ya'll then!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
It's JUNE!!!
Today was pretty fabulous, and usual! I thought we were going to see Neil and the fam today, but we didn't. So instead, I decided to take Justin and Rowan to the pool. My friend Melissa and her two kids met us there. It was really fun. Rowan didn't really like the BIG pool, but loved the baby one! We had a little mishap, and he fell, belly down. Well, he has a Speedo swimsuit with the floaties in it, and he was stuck, couldn't get flipped back over!!! So, I had a little panic issue, and he was fine. He cried for a minute, but got over it quickly and just wanted to play!
Ro and I came home, left Justin with his friends at the pool. Rowan was SOOOO tired, and he fell asleep on the way home...but was WIDE awake when we got here~! My Aunt Joyce and Uncle David came to visit, and we had some pasta for dinner...YUMMY! Well, I had to go back and get Justin, and his mom picked him up here. Then, I had to go back to town to take back the movie from yesterday and...well, get some DQ of course!!!
It is only 8:30, and I am basically ready for bed!
Ro and I came home, left Justin with his friends at the pool. Rowan was SOOOO tired, and he fell asleep on the way home...but was WIDE awake when we got here~! My Aunt Joyce and Uncle David came to visit, and we had some pasta for dinner...YUMMY! Well, I had to go back and get Justin, and his mom picked him up here. Then, I had to go back to town to take back the movie from yesterday and...well, get some DQ of course!!!
It is only 8:30, and I am basically ready for bed!
Oh yay, today was awesome!!! :-))) I haven't seen my brother in a couple of years, and today he, Erick and Josie flew home!!! YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I drove to Spfld, and met them at our Mom's house. We all hung out for a bit, and they had to leave. Rowan and I stayed and went out on the boat for a while; it was really nice and relaxing, and I love to see how my mom interacts with's kinda cute!
Well, we are back home, and Rowan is pretty much a walking zombie. My cousin, Justin, is staying the night, and I took him to go skating...picked him up at 10, rented a movie, came home, Rowan is up past MIDNIGHT!!! Insane!
Well, we are back home, and Rowan is pretty much a walking zombie. My cousin, Justin, is staying the night, and I took him to go skating...picked him up at 10, rented a movie, came home, Rowan is up past MIDNIGHT!!! Insane!
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